Taking Hindi to the Global Level



According to the latest news reports coming, it is said that our new PM Narendra Modi will be speaking Hindi during meetings with Global Ministers. It is a bit shocking thinking that Modi speaks English and still for the love of the national language he has decided to speak in Hindi at Global Level.

Most of the people in India can speak more than two languages and Hindi is a well-known language in India. It is regarded as the national language. It will be a good way for Modi to show India is unique and has its own major language which is big enough at the global level. Gandhi once said “to give millions knowledge of English to enslave them”. Speaking Hindi in Global Level shows that we are not enslave to foreign language which is usually the case in India. Indians are more prone to get attracted to foreign things which have made India weak and unstable. Indians are trying too hard to adapt to foreign culture and are missing on the good things of Indian culture which the foreigners are smart enough to pick up.

With the news of Modi using Hindi language should help people know that how important Indian Culture will prove in development of India. If Indians want global recognition then they need to get rid of typical Indian mentality.

– jainam Jhaveri

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