Talaash 2010


About Talaash 2010

Are your bags packed? Are you ready for a voyage, ‘Talaash’? But hold on! It’s not a ride for one with a weak heart because we will be on a road trip through devil’s own city… ‘HELL’.

Talaash 2010 kicks off with the much awaited Treasure Hunt, which has been its USP since inception. This hunt is spread all over the city of Bombay where participants overcome the obstacles by solving clues which lead them to the treasure.

This is followed by the academic events which give your brain a little exercise. So put your thinking cap on as these events explore your ability to make a vital decision under pressure, using your analytical skills etc. So show off your managerial skills in these events.

After racking your brains, get ready to have some evil fun on the ‘Carnival Day’ i.e the devil’s day of fun! Come and join the intoxicating excitement and the ‘war of the bands’.

The devil doesn’t forget his sporty guests, as the ‘Sports Day’ awaits them with lot of events.

Last but not the least is the ‘Cultural Day’ to let your hair down and groove yourself to some dizzying music and fight your way through hell as the journey ends.

So if you are a brave traveller get geared up for the journey that starts this December from Jai Hind College with Talaash-Highway to Hell!

Talaash Committee:

The Talaash 2010 committee is headed by:

The President – Poonish Navlani.

He is the Person who makes Talaash what is. A rare sight in class, very common outside- always talking of some meeting or the other. He is ‘the Jack of all trades’- moves effortlessly from one aspect of Talaash to another.

Vice President – 1. Rahul Bhatia:

He is the angry young man of Talaash 2010. This fella’s main worry is from where can we get the money? He handles PR & IT too. He can be boring at times. The only thing he does all day long is make lists- of companies for marketing & colleges for PR. But he also achieves all that goes onto his list 🙂

Vice President: 2. Aayushi Kothar:

The only girl in the committee. Brings in the required amount of daintiness in an all-boys gang. She is extremely creative, here in Talaash she does what she knows the best & is superb at, making events. She covers all the aspects from creation to its execution.

Vice president: 3. Tejas Thakkar:

He shares marketing with VP no 1, also manages Admin & HR. An excellent orator, people always listen to him when he talks. 😉  A complete contrast to his colleagues brings in the humorous angle when there is overdose of seriousness in the committee.

Talaash Theme: Highway to hell

Event Schedule:

  1. 12th December: Treasure Hunt and Acad events first round
  2. 13th December: Sports Day
  3. 14th December: Acad Events second round
  4. 15th December: Carnival Day
  5. 16th December: Special Events
  6. 17th December: Cultural Day

Contact Us:

Poonish Navlani: 9022106404

Rahul Bhatia: 982055180

Aayushi Kothari: 9820939966

Tejas Thakkar: 9819059569

You can also email us at [email protected]

Talaash2010 website link – http://www.talaash2010.com/


  1. Telibrahma
  2. Jam Magazine
  3. Freedom Fragrances
  4. Bms.co.in

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