TANCET Results 2014 declared on 9 May 2014



Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test i.e. TANCET results got declared on 9th May 2014.

TANCET is conducted by Anna University for granting admissions to students who wish to study post graduate programmes like M.E., M.Tech., M.Arch., M.Plan., M.B.A. and M.C.A. in colleges of Tamil Nadu, India. 

 Candidates can check the results by entering the registration number and date of birth on its official website at:


A total of 27,750 candidates applied for MBA courses, whereas 11,862 and 37,906 candidates registered for MCA and M.E courses respectively.

The examinations were held in three different sessions on two consecutive days i.e. March 22 and March 23. The examination was held for three hours and in three parts. Part I that consisted of 30 questions was mandatory to attempt. Also, Part II having 40 questions was compulsory whereas, Part III having 30 questions was optional.

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