Teacher’s pet is that you? Top 7 amazing tips to help you get in your teacher’s good books!



Not in Favorite’s list of you professors? Affecting your internal examination marks? Don’t worry we give you the  perfect 7 ways in which you can get into your teachers good books and ensure that you can increase your internal exam marks.

Tip 1: Learn to respect your teachers:

Students these days feel that, since everyone is unfair to us we must be aggressive in our arguments or else no one is going to listen. But you are absolutely wrong there, for any person to address to your grievances and listen to you, you need to be polite. Start becoming polite and respect your teachers you will immediately notice your faculty actually listening to your problems the next time you talk. 

Tip 2: Attend lectures:

Your faculty should actually know you and in a class of 60-100 students it would become very difficult for them to recognize you unless you actually attend their lectures. Be regular and they will know you immediately.

Tip 3: Be present, not just physically but mentally too!

Dreaming and doodling is all good, but you can’t blame the faculty to not like you when you never paid any attention in class. It is very evident when a student is only physically present in class and that is when your teachers will surely stop paying any attention to you. Answer questions and ask questions too, if you are an active participant in class they will automatically start liking you.

Tip 4: You need to be genuine and not a genius:

Not all of us are geniuses or experts at every subject, but unless we make efforts why would they look out for us. If you are genuine in your efforts and study as much as you can, they will automatically notice the difference in you and start warming up to your efforts. Go to them ask questions about what you didn’t understand in the last class or take their opinion on where you need to work harder and they will definitely reciprocate in a positive manner.

Tip 5: Be Punctual!

Coming in late for lectures can be excused once or twice but if someone is consistently late, obviously they are not going to like you.

Tip 6: Don’t mess with your dates:

We don’t mean date as in your romantic dates but your assignment submission date or presentation dates all should be met properly. The more you delay they lesser they appreciate you.

Tip 7: Don’t argue, question if need be.

This last Tip will help you score many brownie points over your hot headed friends who just argue at the drop of a pin. If you have any problems or doubts ask them, respectfully and decently. Do not forget that however friendly they might be, they ultimately are your teachers and you should not argue with them.

Very simple and easy to adopt, these 7 tips will surely ensure you a complete change in your equation with you faculty and then you never know you might just end up getting those extra marks in your internal exams that you longed for since such a long time. 🙂


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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