Techaloo and Presents Free Introductory Course on Intellectual Property Rights


Have you ever heard about Intellectual Property??

Do you know about copyrights and patents??


Intellectual Property is something that you face everyday knowingly or unknowingly. If you are an entrepreneur then it is of great concern for you.Now you have to options to tackle this problem, either have a professional or have some knowledge on your own.


You will be pleased to know that the leading entrepreneurship website techaloo is organizing a free online course in Intellectual Property.

This course is designed for entrepreneurs for their entrepreneurship journey, but every one including students, professionals and hobbyists can get benefit from this course.




Every one is eligible for this course…


Content of the course


This course will include following topics






How to enroll for this course:


Only 50 participants will be able for this course. Selection will be made on the basis of form filled up by you. For filling up the form you can visit our website

or directly access the link :


Last date of submission:


20th may 2012


Mode of the course material:


Course Material will be mailed to the applicants.


Will I get a certificate??


After successful completion of the course, an online examination will be held.

Those who will score more than 70% marks will get an e-certificate for successful completion.




For any query or doubt contact

[email protected]

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