Techaloo Article Writing Competition 2014


TechAloo is a platform to foster entrepreneurship at colleges. TechAloo will identify innovative start-ups budding at college campuses and showcase them at TechAloo. It will help young entrepreneurs with the tools and information to “fail faster to succeed sooner” required in their entrepreneurial venture.

Few statistics about Techaloo :

– We have featured 450+ stories of entrepreneurs across the world

– We are getting traffic from 40+ countries

– 10K+ FB fans tell the success story

– We have reach in 70+ universities

At TechAloo we invite entries for the Article Writing Competition 2014.

This competition is targeting to build a entrepreneurial eco-system among student community. You have to write an article (max word limit 1200 words) on the topics given below.

Send your queries to [email protected] or [email protected]  with subject line “Article writing competition 2014 – Query”.

Topics to write: This time we have come with a new concept. We wont give you direct topics this time, we are giving you some quotes related to entrepreneurship and business. You have to write your views around these quotes –

“My son is now an ‘entrepreneur’. That’s what you’re called when you don’t have a job” – Ted Turner, broadcasting entrepreneur
“Individuals don’t make great companies, teams do” – Mark Suster General Partner, GRP Partners 
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started” – Agatha Christie
“The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer” ― Nolan Bushnell 

“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen” —Scott Belsky, Behance co-founder

You have to pick up a quote and write your thoughts. Article should be related to “Entrepreneurship” only.

Points to be taken care of :

The article should be original and exciting.

You can choose to write on any of the quotes mentioned above.

You may use non-copyrighted images in your article.  reserves all the rights of the article. The articles will be posted under the penmanship of the original author and re-posting them anywhere else without the permission of TechAloo will not be allowed.

The start up company (if you are writing around a startup) for the article competition should not be already featured at TechAloo. Kindly check it on our site if the start up had been featured at TechAloo before the submission.

plagiarism (copy and paste from other sources) will disqualify from the competition

Article competition team:

A team may have max. 2 members, the members may or may not be a students. Submission detail: Your articles should reach to us by 20th January 2014, 11:59 PM (IST). Mail your articles to [email protected].

The subject line must be “Entry for Article Writing Competition 2014”

Word Limit: Max. 1200 words.

Judging criteria: Stage 1: Judging will be based on well written original article (plagiarism (copy and paste from other sources) will disqualify from the competition). After the deadline, the qualified original articles will be posted on TechAloo (under the name of the author(s) of the article(s)).

Stage 2: This step will be based on the popularity of the article which includes 1. No. of Facebook like and shares  (from TechAloo website), 2. No. of tweets on Twitter (from TechAloo website), 3. All other sociable shares, shown on Techaloo website 4. No. of unique page views and Avg. time spent on article from Google analytics

Judging will be based on 50% weight-age of TechAloo editorial team and 50% weight-age of the popularity of the article(s) in the stage 2. It is the job of individual author to popularize his articles. Maximum 3 entries is allowed per author(s). Best of 3 entries will be judged. So you got more chance/choice to win.


1st Prize (1): Rs 3000/- and e-certificate, winners can attend any “Nurture Talent Academy Workshop” for free during Feb’14 to April’14

2nd Prize (1): Rs 2000/- and e-certificate, winners can attend any “Nurture Talent Academy Workshop” for free during Feb’14 to April’14

Consolation Prize (5): Fiction/non-fiction book via Flipkart + e-certificate Others: Every valid entry (qualified the stage1) will receive e-certificate of participation.

At the end of the competition, we will post the results and the names of the winners on our website. Winning authors will be invited to join TechAloo (as voluntarily) as an entrepreneurial writer. This will be a great value addition to the author’s profile and subsequent opportunities in their careers.


Article Submission : 20th Jan 2014

Stage 1- 25th Jan 2014, 11:59 p.m (IST)

Stage 2 – 16th Feb 2014, 11:59 p.m (IST)

Result notification – Before 23rd March 2014


For more details and updates about the contest, you can check at

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We, at, believe in sharing knowledge and giving quality information to our BMS students. We are here to provide and update you with every details required by you BMSites! If you want to join us, please mail to [email protected].


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