Technology: The Time Traveler!


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21st century is what I would call the era of TECHNOLOGY. In the last 12-14 years, technology has changed like the oceanic waves, one is still present and other one comes from behind. Hats off to the inventors we are now able to do multiple tasks at a single time within a second. Every person is now carrying the latest smart phones in their hand. It is true that the technology has become advanced but it is also a fact that it every coin has two sides.

In the olden days, only selected people used to have phones or telephones, but today the story is different. Everyone has his own mobile phones, even small kids! Whenever I see a child holding a phone, I think why the hell were phones invented? When we were small we used to play games on the fields but today’s generation play the same games on their big smart phones. As small children we used to make paper planes and fly it into the air but today’s children play flight simulator on their play stations. No doubt that it’s saving paper 😛 but it’s also making a habit for children to stay the whole time inside their respective house.

At first, the television sets used to be fat and people used to fit, but today the television sets are slim and people are fat. People say that the time has changed from bad to good but actually it’s the technology that has changed through the years. People who were away from eyes have come together with the help of technology. Applications   like Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, Skype has helped people connect with each other even after being away from each other.

Techs were invented for reducing human efforts. But today, they are more than a companion to any person. People should realize that we are living in the real world and not the virtual world. Some inventions have been a boon for people. E.g. Mobile phones, Televisions’, computers etc. but some inventions like the air conditioner, it keeps us cools inside but it releases harmful gases in our atmosphere and hence rising the global temperatures.

We the future of this world, i.e. the youth should understand before it’s too late that the technology was created to reduce our efforts and not our relations. We must act before it’s too late for us to come back. Technology should be used but there should be some restricted limitations onto in. and in the end I would just say that “we must ACT BEFORE THE WATER RISES……” 

– Jiten Godhania

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Kabeer Rath


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