Teen Town



Long back a baby girl was born she was the only child to her parents .She was been treated as the most wanted angel , was highly pampered ,loved and the life was beyond perfect after someday schools were been started this was the time to learn ABCD to human organs etc  etc .and then the time comes to go to the most difficult stage of the human life span “so fasten your seat belts we are going to the TEEN TOWN .

“Teenage” the age from thirteen to nineteen this is the most awaited and the difficult age of the life span according to a survey conducted in U.S.A .In this age of life a kid is no more a kid but an adult kid they wanted to be independent .They face lots of changes in this age the physical change, mental change, social change, emotional change these are the change which a thirteen to sixteen year old faces. Changes are something which is not easily acceptable by anyone so just imagine how difficult it would be for them. At this point of time they are hyper sensitive, super confused they don’t want their parents to take them where they want they want to live life on their own conditions. At this stage parenting plays the major role because this is the most crucial phase of their life. Parents need to understand their kids, support them, guide them through difficult and tumulus phase of life make them understand about good and bad of life. This is when kids are super energetic and have empty brains they tempt to do things which should not be done.

Girls are different from boys; they get mature faster than boys ,they act differently ,think differently. This is the age where teenagers faces the problem like peer pressure, career problems, family problem ‘so called love ’, affection, crushes and most likely to think ‘no one understands me ’. But in reality things are not the same; everyone loves them, cares for them and understands them.

It is very necessary for parents to be cognitive of their children requirement. They should never impose their dreams on their kids for example if a dad wants his son to become a doctor and what if son is least interested in medical line. It is very important to utilise their empty brains in doing something really creative, help them to decide their priorities; make them understand that friends are a part of life. They are important but concentrating on their studies and making their good career should be their first priority.

The teenager most often than not feel loneliness. This is not the age of being loneliness you have lots of things to learn; get yourself busy in something which you like; which will help you in future. For example I often used to feel loneliness; then I started my own blog from that day I am writing some thing or the other to get myself busy and I am no more loneliness. Do whatever you like to do. Love yourself and your family, hangout with good friends. Like when teenager enters college they face many exposure – good but mostly bad. You should know what is good for you and what is not. Try to take your own valuable decisions. If need there be take an advise ; talk to someone elder whom you trust ,express yourself, your feelings about everything which you noticed  never hide your feelings, always be expressive.

This is not that problematic and troublesome age we just need to be sure what is to be done. This the most amazing phase of life in which we have so much to learn. Enjoy your teenage life and make it the most memorable time of your life.






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