Teenage Love



Teenage love, a love that happens in the age between 13-19. You know right? Yeah obviously! Just checking your GK 😀 Hello everyone! This is Celeste Gomes. I hope you wouldn’t mind spending your precious 10 minutes to read my article. God has made us to live on earth for one purpose, To feel.
For instance, ‘LOVE’, each and everyone of us might hold different opinions about this four-letter word.For some it might be a magical feeling that one experiences when you see that one person you adore. You might feel butterflies in your stomach.Whenever that person is near you, you might stutter on your words. Some say its just hormones, which is true.
Teenage love they say is sweet, romantic, and is filled with sparkling lights. When you are in love with someone you seem to forget the whole world and that one person is the only one, worth keeping in your world. One glimpse of that person and there you start blushing. Your best friends are probably the ones who know this secret, and if by chance your crush passes by you, your friend’s expression is worth looking :D​


That one person is just so adorable that you think about them all of the time, day dreaming , even when you have so much to worry about.For instance, you confessed your feelings to that special one and get rejected. Your heart gets broken, and you think that you are all alone, and your love life just comes crashing down.Suddenly that happy-go-lucky person that you were, becomes a sad, moody, angry, not at all interesting bloke. Instead enjoy the company that you have with that person, Life is too short, and if you don’t trust your instincts, you’ll live a life with a bucket full of regrets.
Talking about my love life! Well, even I got rejected. 🙁 But I can never forget that one person who made me smile even when I was crying. He was the one I always dreamed of, whether it be day, or the late hours of night. When he was happy, I found my happiness in there. When he was sad, I was sad. When he was hurt, I could feel the pain. One word against him, And I would probably kill that person in my mind. And especially when some random girl from school talked to him. I would be like –​

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All his harsh words for me, seemed sweet. Of course the fact that he at least talked to me, made me happy 😀 I wanted to hold hands with him, just to see how perfectly shaped they were together. The way he spoke, the way he sang, the way he grooved, the way he made others laugh, was the reason why I loved him. He was the kind of mystery I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life unraveling. I wish we could Google how a certain person felt about you 😀
But the fact continues, The person whom you love the most, hurts you the most. Because love, pain, heartbreak, rejection, jealousy, is all part and parcel of teenage love. That doesn’t mean you won’t fall in love ever again. Maybe God has made someone else who will love you to the fullest, or maybe you’ll get the love of your life not sooner but later. You never know! right? Go for someone, who is not only proud to have you, But will take every risk, To keep you 🙂 🙂 🙂 So this was my article based on Teenage love, and if you think you can relate to this by any means, Please Hit ‘like’. Thanks for spending your precious time reading my article. I hope I made you remember those days been a teenage lover 😀






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