Tentative MH MBA CET Schedule and timelines for CET 2014

No. Activity Schedule
First Date Last Date
1 Sale of Information Brochure at identified branches of AXIS Bank Ltd. 1/2/2014 18-02-2014
2 Online submission of the “CET Application Form” through computer connected to Internet on the web sitewww.dte.org.in/mba for Maharashtra State /OMS/J&K candidates and receipt of the Hall Ticket for the MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2014. 1/2/2014 18-02-2014
Note: Candidates who have appeared CAT2013/CMAT2014 and aspiring to claim admission against the All India seats are also required to submit the online CET Application Form. upto 5:00 P.M.
3 Date and timing of the MAH-MBA/MMS2014 09-03-2014 (2.00 P.M.)
4 Declaration of the results of the MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2014 on the website www.dte.org.in/mba. 16-04-2014 at 5.00 P.M.
5 Registration for the Group Discussions(GD) and Personal Interviews(PI) and receipt of call letter. 19-04-2014 30-04-2014
upto 5:00 P.M.
6 Conduct of GD and PI at select centers. 10/5/2014 31-05-2014
7 Submission of the Work Experience Certificate (In Proforma-G) at SIMSREE, Mumbai only by Registered Post. 10/5/2014 21-05-2014
upto 5:00 P.M.
8 Document verification, updation and confirmation of Application Form for Admission at ARC for Maharashtra State/OMS/J&K candidates. 10/5/2014 31-05-2014
9 Display of the provisional merit lists (Maharashtra State, All India and J&K candidates) on the web site www.dte.org.in/mba. 16-06-2014 at 5.00 P.M.
10 Submission of grievances, if any, for Maharashtra, All India and J&K candidates at respective ARC. 18-06-2014 19-06-2014
upto 5:00 P.M.
11 Display of the final merit lists (Maharashtra State, All India and J&K candidates) on web site www.dte.org.in/mba. 25-06-2014 at 5.00 P.M.

Note: these dates are for reference purpose only and will change once official notification comes from DTE.


Application Fee Details MAH-MBA-CET 2014
No. Type of Candidature Fee in Rs.
1 Maharashtra State (Open Category) 1250.00/-
2 Maharashtra State (Reserved) 950.00/-
3 Outside Maharashtra State 1150.00/-
4 Jammu & Kashmir 1150.00/-
5 PIO (Persons of Indian Origin) 1150.00/-
6 Foreign National / Foreign Student 1150.00/-


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Rav Singh Cetking
Rav Singh is a founder of Cetking Education. He has been conducting strategy and shortcuts classes for CAT, CMAT and other exams in Mumbai and Pune for the last 5 years. For more guidance and interaction join him on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cetkingworkshops


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