The 10 Rocking Hollywood Action Stars Of All Time


Here is a list of the stars in the Hollywood industry that are famous not only for their social life or looks but for the way they select their characters in the movies. They are seldom seen in a romantic chick flick, but what really turns them on is the action packed movies that include explosions, fights, bullets and cars flying in the air. These are the real stars who believe in bang on performances. So let’s go!!!


1) Dwayne ‘Rock’ Johnson-

From the wrestling ring to the big screen, “Snitch” star Dwayne Johnson has made a name for himself in the action drama with roles in flicks including “Fast and Furious 6” and the upcoming “Pain & Gain.”


2) Angelina Jolie-

Few actresses have racked up as many respectable action roles as Angelina Jolie. Movies such as “Tomb Raider,” “Wanted,” “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” and “Salt” make Jolie one of the genre’s leading ladies.  She is not only into action but has also tried the other genres of romance, comedy etc.


3) Jason Statham-

He’s James Bond without the frills. With high-octane franchises such as “The Transporter” and “Crank,” Statham is poised to be the go-to guy if you’re looking to crash some cars, blow stuff up and ruin a bad guy’s day.


4) Jackie Chan-

He got his start as a stuntman in Bruce Lee movies, but Jackie Chan had no problems blossoming into an action superstar in his own right, with more than 100 martial arts action movies on his resume. He may be best known in the U.S. for the buddy comedy series “Rush Hour,” but the Chinese franchise “Police Story” made Chan a household name in the Far East.


5) Tom Cruise-

It’s easy to overlook Tom Cruise‘s impact on the action drama, but his filmography speaks for itself. Cruise’s thrilling performances in “Top Gun,” the “Mission: Impossible” series, “Minority Report,” “Collateral,” “War of the Worlds” and “Knight and Day” make him an action supertar.


6) Will Smith-

There’s no denying Smith’s drawing power in the action genre. Nearly every one of his action flicks topped the box office on opening weekend, including four films on Fourth of July weekends. His hits include “I Am Legend,” “I, Robot,” “Hancock,” the “Bad Boys” series, the “Men in Black” series and “Independence Day.”


7) Bruce Lee-

Before Jackie and Jet, there was Bruce. Lee single-handedly popularized martial arts action films in the United States with films such as “The Big Boss,” “Fist of Fury,” “Way of the Dragon” and “Enter the Dragon.” Not to mention his role as Green Hornet’s sidekick, Kato. Though iconic in death, there’s no telling how massive his career could have become if he were still alive.


8) Bruce Willis-

Everything this guy touches turns to action. If his role as iconic action hero John McClane in the “Die Hard” franchise wasn’t enough to convince you, consider “Sin City,” “Armageddon,” “The Fifth Element” and “The Jackal.”

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9) Arnold Schwarzenegger-

A former bodybuilder, this Austrian icon is all action. Heck, he even played the last action hero. Arnold’s incredible action resume includes genre classics such as “Conan the Barbarian,” “The Running Man,” “Predator,” “Total Recall,” “True Lies,” “End of Days” and the “Terminator” series.


10) Sylvester Stallone-

He is the undisputed king of the action genre and the greatest action star of all time. From “Rocky” and “Rambo” to “Judge Dredd” and “Cliffhanger” to “Demolition Man” and “The Expendables,” nobody oozes the machismo (or takes a beating) like Sly. After 25 years of putting a choke hold on the box office, we salute Stallone by naming him the Heavyweight Champion of action movies.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Shabnam Mukadam
Student at Pillais institute of arts, commerce and science. An humble F.Y.B.Com student. Hobbies are reading and writing.


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