The 3 Ds Of Life


Life is a journey between birth and death. We must all break some rules and follow some. Life is all about enjoying but at the same time being disciplined. There is something known as the 3 D’s of life. The 3 d’s represent the three important elements that life should have. The three d’s of life are dedication, discipline and dedication. These three d’s make you who you, what you are today. These three d’s are such that it can be applied in anything in the world right from your studies and work life to even your life. It can help you get your life back on track if you have drifted away.

The 3 d’s are something that we all know and have heard of it indeed we can implement it in our daily lives in every aspect of it. It will definitely be helpful for you as you start reading it further.


This is one thing that is very important to have in life the first and the most important D in life is discipline. In every organisation or even at home discipline must be maintained. I personally follow this. Discipline is nothing but something that is called a “code of conduct”. One should also inculcate discipline in their lives. It helps in making people believe that you need to be systematic and everything will fall in place automatically. It also helps you set a good example to others. Young, old or middle aged everyone need to have a certain kind of discipline in their lives. Every small thing you do if you do it with discipline then nothing can ever go wrong. Having fun is good but crossing your line of discipline isn’t really a good thing to do. One must be disciplined when it comes to eating habits, lifestyle, work, and career and even with studies. Discipline is one thing that can never go wrong. Being disciplined helps you focus and have a vision in life but there are more things that discipline should be clubbed with.


Along with discipline comes dedication that is needed to complete any task. If you are discipline you will do your work on time. If you are dedicated you will do it with your full heart and soul. You need to put in efforts and dedication is all about putting your hard work. It is not just about your time or duty but you do it willingly and wilfully. Dedication is needed in everything that you start be it work, studied or weight loss. It is like you are into something and you don’t give your 100 percent that really isn’t dedication. Dedication is all about giving it all. It’s like staking your life and risking it all. Giving your heart and soul to the task that you have taken up no matter what will come your way you will complete it. That is what dedication is all about.


A person who is determined about a certain thing will go ahead in life. There is nothing that will ever come between you and your determination. If you want to do it and if you have to will to do it you will definitely achieve it no matter what. If you are strong willed and if you have decided to do something then you can definitely do anything you want to. The prime minister of India Mr. Narendra modi is the best example of determination. He was determined that one day he will become the prime minister of India and indeed he has made it big. He not only became the prime minister but has won so many hearts. He has been the perfect example of determination. He not only followed this principle but also followed the principle of dedication. He did all that he could to make his dream come true and indeed he is one of the most talked about person not only in India but also abroad. Some people succeed because they are destined to succeed while others succeed because they are adamant and determined. Determination is something that will get you through all your dreams ambitions and goals. Difficulties will come, obstacles are needed in order to break you down but it is how you can get up and no matter what your determined to still fight back and achieve your goals in life. Nothing can stop you this is called determination. When you wake up with a dream you have a determination and you are serious about that dream when you actually complete it you will not only be fulfilling your dream and not only have a determination but you will also attain something called as satisfaction.

These three D’s should be inculcated in our lives since child hood. Very few people really have these 3 elements in their lives one must always use these three things. Apart from that doing what you keep doing all the time and continue doing it is the way to be. Many times we just stop doing thing because people say we cannot so it. The ones who think they cannot do it should never stop others from doing it.

As we get the hang of it (3 d’s discipline, dedication and determination) we will find a new change in our lives and our lives will be less tension free. Life indeed will have a new meaning to it all together. It is one thing that we all must know and that we all must follow. Once you get used to these three elements in life, you will start practicing these three elements without even realising. It will become a part of your life in such a way that you will inspire others to do better and set a good example to others. Even if people hate you today you can shut them up and make them love you and appreciate you for your amazing ways of dealing with every situation with the 3 D principle.


By Carren bryne.

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