The 6 Most Strange Unusual Places You Won’t Believe Existed In India



We might not believe that unusual things and places exist even in our country. There are certain places which might surprise and shock you at the same time. They are something out of our imaginations and we won’t believe that it really happens and exist at least in our country…

Let’s have a look…

  1. Magical Stone – Shivapur Maharashtra

Somewhere in Pune a place called Shivapur, lays Hazrat Qamar Ali Darvesh which one can say has a magical story. The place which is a shrine today was a gymnasium 800 years ago and the Sufi saint Qamar Ali was taunted by some wrestlers. He then placed a spell on the rock on the 70 kg rock and till today the rock can be lifted only by 11 finger points and by taking the name of Sufi saint


  1. Mass Bird Suicide – Jatinga Assam

The Jatinga village settled among the Borai Hills in Assam witnesses something mysterious every monsoon. Between September and October especially during dark and foggy nights hundreds of migratory birds come flying in full speed towards trees and buildings and meet to death.This mass bird suicide was first reported in 1960. It still remains an unsolved mystery.


  1. Twin place – Kodinhi ( Kerala ) and Umri (near Allahabad )

Kodinhi a small town in Malappuram District in Kerala has astonished the world’s best scientist in the world. With the population of 2000 it has 350pairs of identical twins and has rightly earned the title of Twin Place. It has ‘ 6 pairs of twins in every 1000 births which is considered a high twinning rate. Kodinhi has a rate of 42 twins per 1000 births. This means, almost every family in Kodinhi has more than one pair of twins. There is a similar case in Umri in Allahabad with 60 pairs of twins in the population of 900. It is 300 times in national; average and the highest in the world. Some believe it is because of their while the others consider it is God’s divine Blessing


  1. Magnetic Hill – ladakh

There is a hill in Ladakh which pulls cars towards itself even if the ignition is off. People find it a must place to go, it is a thrilling experience. It is actually because of the gravity and one of recognized gravity hills in the world


  1. Asia’s Cleanest Village – Mawlynnong,Meghalya

It is the cleanest village in Asia. It has won international recognition for the cleanest village. It is popularly known as GOD’S OWN GARDEN. It is the community effort to promote eco – tourism. It is even surprising to know that the village has 100% literacy and most of the villagers speak English.


  1. Village without doors – Shani,Singanpur

In this village there are No Doors. It is believed that there is blessing of Shani Dev and it also has the Shani Temple. There are no rimes in this village till date. UCO Bank has opened a lockless branch.


There are even more things if you find out which will make you proud of your own country and some things that will even surprise you about the country.

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