The 7 Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs


Steve Jobs was an American entrepreneur, inventor, innovator, marketer who died in 2011. He was the Co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs is widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personnel of computer revolution. He believed in transforming “one industry after another, from computers and smartphones to music and movies.” He had received a number of honors and public recognition for his influence in the technology and music industries. He is also described as the “Father of the Digital Revolution”.
In this video, we learn 7 Secrets to Steve Jobs’ Success:
Do What You Love (“Don’t settle”)
2. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition” – Have a big clear vision
3. Say No To 1,000 things
4. Kick Start Your Brain
5. Sell Dreams Not Products
6. Create Insanely Great Experiences
7. Master The Message

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