The Age Old Story of A Boy Marrying A Girl Only By Taking Dowry Still Exists In India


Dowry system

Marriage is the most scared tradition in India carried on with many rituals and cultural beliefs.  One such belief which is deeply rooted in our culture is the Dowry system, prevalent ever since the existence of societies. It is a system where payment is done to the bridegroom’s family in cash or gifts which includes car, electronic appliances, furniture, etc along with the bride. 

The dowry system is a curse on the Indian society as it not only puts a burden on the bride’s family but also ruins a girl’s life by destroying the essence of marriage and making it a mere business deal, an easy source to earn money.  It’s a bribe given to ensure proper treatment and safety of the bride which has eventually evolved into a practice of demanding money from the bride’s family and the sum of money is decided as per the groom’s educational and social standard.

Dowry is a greedy system wherein the desires are never fulfilled.  The bridegroom’s family demands for money as and when their need arises. The bride’s family has to undergo a lot of financial crises to fulfil their greedy needs and desires. At times the demands are so high that the brides may have to incur huge debts.

Dowry system 

Dowry is one of the major contributors to domestic violence in India. The girl is abused both physically and emotionally. She is even denied of basic rights of proper food and clothing. She is forced to live a life of misery. She is treated like a servant where she has to do all the household chaos. It is truly an evil system wherein the demand for money starts from the day of marriage and it continues till the day one innocent life comes to an end either by her own will or is been killed.  Suffering all the tortured throughout her married life, the only way she finds to bring an end to this pain is killing by herself and if that’s not done she is burnt alive by the groom’s family.

In India, Laws are implemented but are not stringent. Giving and taking of Dowry has been prohibited in India and various laws have been implemented on this cruel system yet it’s been practiced in various parts of our country even today. India is progressing in all walks of life but such practices keep India lacking behind in the world. The only way to eradicate this deeply rooted system is to awaken oneself against such evil and inhuman practice and bring an end to this evil.

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Daisy Pais


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