The Amazing Reasons Why I Feel Proud To Be An Indian



As soon as the word INDIA comes to our mind, a patriotic feeling starts growing deep within us. There are various reasons which lead us to call ourselves PROUD INDIANS and proud to be born in this country.

India is a diverse country rich in its natural environment. A country having everything under its roof, the beautiful Himalayan mountains covered with snow towards the north, deserted regions to the east, glorious rivers flowing through the nation, rich wildlife towards the south, surrounded by seas and oceans on all sides. The world looks forward to visiting such a naturally flourished environment, making it a country with huge tourist attractions. India is a land of emotions; there is a feeling of oneness among the people, we are emotionally attached to the people around us, the land we live in, the religion or culture we follow, to things that belong to us. At time of crises, we are ever ready to stretch out a helping hand to those in need. We treat each other as brothers of the nation and the nation to be our mother.  India is known for its religious background and secularism all over the world. Hindu, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians live together as brethren under the same roof. Even though we have religious differences but we still make our efforts to come together as celebrate each occasion as one big united family. Despite, we speak different languages, but we somehow manage to express our feelings through our words and actions. India is also rich in its culture and lifestyle. The very next door you may find people living a totally different lifestyle. One can say that, India is a place where you can find two or more people coming from different culture, wearing totally different clothes, eating different kinds of food, speaking different language travel together each day in local trains and buses, gel up together as they belong to one family.  We fight, we quarrel but yet we have our own ways to keep our relationship going. India is a country full of crazy people for movies and cricket; people are obsessed about their favorite film stars and cricketers. People spend their weekends with their loved ones together at movie or watching match at home or at the pavilion cheering for the players our country. We have our own filmy style of expressing our oneness with each other.

The list is never ending, we may fall short of words but the feeling of expressing the love for our country will never come to an end.


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Daisy Pais


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