The Amazing Study Guide, Tips and Tricks for Environment Management Exam


Environment management


environmental management

Environmental Management is the BMS equivalent of EVS that we used to study in school, uuh did somebody actually study evs? Lol! nope barely a percent of the entire class actually studied EVS in school and maybe that is the reason why today we are facing environment problems in the world nineteen to the dozen.

The water is impure, the air is impure, the land is impure, the ice bergs are melting, the animals are dying, there are famines or tsunamis or floods or hurricanes who are sweeping away lives by the hundred and there are of course the zillions of diseases widespread because of the rising temperature on the earth. Hey did I mention the widespread de-forestation that has reduced the green cover of the planet making the production of oxygen go down and eventually lead to the destruction of mankind/

So yes it’s a sad state of affairs we are into collectively as the entire planet is suffering equally, the solution is not in preaching or holding placards and signboards or sitting on dharna asking the government to do something because even if they wish to the government can’t come in your house and bifurcate wet and dry garbage or simpler stop you from throwing used packets of chips on the road to block the sewage system.

environmental management

One of the very important lessons we had learnt in our Sem 1 was optimum utilization of resources and since then we have been following up on it in answers and explanations at times even in conversations. Do these resources not include the fast depleting environmental resources? We need to learn to conserve these resources and not because we have to because we want to. It is an accepted reality that world will not end in the next 100 years at least and  doubt any of us plan to live beyond that so technically it doesn’t impact us much but have you thought about your kids?

In the next 15 years most of us will be having kids and by the time they grow up and have kids will there be any thing left to conserve? Your grandchildren will not know the difference between the sea and the river because polluted water is the same anyway. There will be no forests or mountains just vast expanses of cities stretching up to infinity. Where you cannot walk out in the open except for oxygen masks because the level of air pollution would be such that you can’t breathe without a mask and they shall be eating pills of essential nutrition to survive because there is no fertile land left for  growing any food! Such will be the world we leave for our grand children and by the looks of it, it does not seem a really great place to be in!

Why do I need to Study this Subject?

environmental management

Because we do not want the world to turn into the description given above! No we surely do not want that and even by simple efforts on our part if we can contribute to helping conserve the environment it will be a big help given. This subject does not bore you with how the environment is degrading and how it is wrong; it gives out facts and figures that will startle you and solutions as to how You can help in doing your bit and saving whatever is left of our environment.

Is it Difficult?

environmental management

No. it’s one of the easiest subjects you will come across in your 3 years of BMS. It needs you to use a lot of common sense and come up with solutions to the problems that persist in our environment. We Indians need to focus more on this subject as we are a developing nation and we need these resources all the more for industrialization and development of our nation.

Is it Boring?

environmental management

Depends on your perspective, if you feel that saving the world and becoming a mini super hero is kind of boring then sorry dude no one can help you! But yeah it’s actually quite a lot of fun and when you have conservation drives and tree plantation drives from college you will enjoy this subject the most.

Do I need to join a Coaching Class for this Subject?

Dude, its EVS need I say more? No you surely do not need to spend for a coaching class for this subject!

Where can I get Notes for this subject? Environmental Management Notes Environmental Management Notes

What is the Syllabus for this Subject?

Environment management

The Syllabus of this subject is divided into 4 Units as follows:

Unit I : Environment: Definition and Composition 

This unit tells what is the environment made up of and elaborates on its components.

Unit II : Resources and Wealth

This unit talks about the different types of resources and how they are getting depleted.

Unit III : Environmental Degradation

This unit as the name suggests talks about the various environmental issues that lead to degradation and how it impacts the environment.

Unit IV : Environmental Management

This unit gives out solutions and food for thought on conversation and management of environment and its resources. The most important unit it focuses on methods like sustainable management to help in conserving and developing our environment to ensure that we pass on a lot for generations to come.

You can read the detailed syllabus and list of reference books Here!

How do I Study this Subject?

Environment Management

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

The father of our nation knew exactly what we were up to and to study this subject and put it into practice will be our way of showing that all hope over humanity is not lost. Environmental management is the easiest subject to study, it a complete theory subject yet it has no definitions, quotes or problematic theories to study.

Most of the syllabus comprises of things we have studied earlier and there are very few new concepts to learn about the situation of the earth. Yes the solution that they propose and the solution that you will eventually make up to do your bit to conserve the environment will be the actual learning for this subject.

Internal exams:

Environment Management

While studying for your internal exams half an hour a day for alternate days of the week is good enough to help you clear your internal exams. Most of the questions asked will be easy to answer and in case they are complicated you can always brush up in your knowledge in class.

Attending lectures is a must for this subject. Students eventually end up bunking lectures for this subject considering it as a subject that is not important or valuable, if you attend lectures on time you will not have to spend any extra time in learning answers for exams.

External Exams:

To learn answers for your exams and study for it 15 days is more than enough to help you score really good marks in this subject. You need to take up one reliable textbook as per the convenience of your professor and study through the same; there is no need of breaking your head over making notes from different textbooks and all that.

If you have a good professor try and ask him/her to give you notes, they will be much better in quality than the quality of answers available in the textbooks in the market. You have to read the entire textbook first and make sure you don’t skip even a single chapter.

Once you are done reading everything take up your units in the order 4,3,2 and 1. I suggest this because you must finish up the most difficult parts first and the easy one’s last. As you will have read the entire textbook once it will be really easy for you to understand the chapters and learn them. Learn your answers, concepts and definitions well 15 days is all it will take to this subject very well by spending just one hour in a day.

Environment Management

The most valuable thing that you will give to your examiner will be a well framed answer paper with a lot of examples which will make all the difference as compared to all the others with you. As this subject is super easy, rarely will any student leave an answer unread or unlearnt and in such cases everyone is going to score good marks, so if you want to use this subject as one which gets you the added GPA then you need to be very particular how you write your paper.

You need to write it very well, underlining, margins, highlighting key words and writing the answers in a well structured format. All of this and a lot many examples that increase the length and dept of your answers are a must. You can quote incidents of natural disasters or calamities or any other related examples but make sure that you write your answers well.

With all of this in order scoring really good marks is going to cake walk in this subject for you.

Do You have It In You To Be a Greentrepreneur ?

A greentrepreneur is an entrepreneur who does his business in a way that can help the environment improve while he earns his profits! (Don’t know who is an entrepreneur, click here!

Going green, is the latest fad! You are like the mini-super hero who is helping out to save the planet by doing your bit and that little bit is what really matters. For business enterprises these days, they are condemned by public 9/10 times when people don’t see them helping the planet. Wish is why more and more people have started to turn green these days, it’s not just about having customer acceptance, it’s the good feeling at the back of your mind that you were a mini-super hero, which matters!

Here I present a list of green-ideas which you can consider to take your first steps as a greentrepreneur, surprisingly these ideas do not need a lot of capital or time inflows, they can be practiced on off-days and week ends with ease!

1. The green facebook iniative: We post everything on facebook, the movies and the boyfriends that we occassionally enjoy and then trade in for newer releases, so in that case why not just make a green facebook page and share some green gyaan with everyone. facebook is global so once you reach some concrete amounts of likes and shares you will surely be noticed the world over.

2. Pot plenty of plants: What fits in the tiny window-sills of a metro city residents balcony? a tiny plant but what fits on his building’s terrace plenty, go- meet- consult

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.