The Art of Online Self-Branding


Brands are not the only ones recognised. Remember, people as well, are! What should make us inquisitive is the popularity of common people like Varun Agarwal with common apparel businesses can attract thousands of likes on their facebook pages by there just witty posts and petty-sized invites! In marketing terms, you call it attracting target audience. No offence to them! In fact, they are doing a great job! And the reason of popularity is no secret! It’s is right in front of you. Nevertheless, it’s their “highly maintained” online presence. Well, when it comes to online presence, our mind just sways to and from facebook like it is some candy vending machine. Anyway, who gives a damn about a candy when you can follow one on instagram! So, there are other as important and popular social networking websites available. Take LinkedIn for example, it gives you a platform to upload your CV, pinned with an innovative facebook-like news feed, one can refer to anytime, anywhere and of course, at any given internet speed.

The emphasis is not on the mere online presence on websites or apps like LinkedIn, facebook, Pinterest, twitter, tinder and so on, but also, maintaining and your online presence. Maintaining, as we all know consists of the following activities:


1. Share Something, Almost Everyday

A quote or two, a horror video if you like that or maybe a trolled photo. Here, people might perceive you as a weirdo not because you have shared something. Perhaps, for the horror video!


2. #MakeItGoViral.

#InstaBullocks. Hashtags are a way of life. Overload the caption-space with hashtags so that the bottom of the bathroom-selfie looks like myriad of life experiences


3. Keep Updating Your Content

Remember comrade! A great post will not land you in your dream job. But keep tryin! People may not like the kind of content you post. Change it! Maybe, you get a chance to indulge in a conversation with the commentators and likers! Maybe.




4. Keep Updating Your Profile 

New Job? Update your profile. Newly-clicked selfie? Update your profile picture. Lunch with friends? What are you waiting for? Click pictures! Upload! Check-in! Tag! No matter, how stupid it looks! It’s an #AwesomeFeeling after all.


5. Life is short, so create profiles on all the networking sites.

Log on to Quora, upvote some answers and write some of your own; check out instagram if you were expecting to kill some time there; draw a trail of retweets if that makes your twitter handle any cooler; and get back to facebook, which is like grandma’s house where you can do anything. Remember! Answering on Quora is yet pending, so collapse Quora and go snapchatting! #LeaveNone


All of this my friend, will lead you to become the master at it. They call it branding, you call it Online-Self-Branding!



[Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are of the author and does not necessarily represent or reflect the views of]


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Devansh Thakker
An accidental science student but a self-acclaimed business and management geek. A man in the middle of his ladder. From my perspective, it simply means I am an undergraduate close enough to complete my graduation (BMS), with a little experience in business. Why Two reasons: 1. An emerging interest in writing brought me here, 2. What could be better than contributing to my own community first? Listening to music while travelling is awesome. Writing rhymes is another pastime. A strategy games lover, especially Defense of the Ancients and Age of Empires. Fitness is a must.


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