hild is the most beautiful gift by God. I’d much rather see the world through the eyes of the child.There is an innocence about them that is genuine and very real. It seems as you grow into adulthood you loose that innocence and once you do it , it is gone forever.

Did you ever see a child’s eyes light up at Christmas time as they stand in line to tell Santa what they want for Christmas? They are full of excitement and quite anticipation as their whole world revolves around that single moment in time leading up to sitting on Santa’s lap and truly believing in their heart that they were good this year as they try to remember to mention everything they hope that he will leave for them underneath the family Christmas tree.

It is what is so wonderful about being a child and brings a smile to every parents face as they reflect on that very special time when they too were a child. Children have no preconceived notions by experience and they say things both honestly and sincerely as they were taught .They don’t ever sugarcoat what they say because they have no reason to and they have not adapted that practice yet in to their young lives. They are spontaneous and very perceptive. They are much focused what they want and there is no question about it. I always remember when I was a child and I would always exclaim “out of the mouth of babes “. I find I say that as well when a son say something that brings a smile to a mother’s face and a realisation that a child makes some amazing observation as he expresses them in his own way.
If I could capture the youth ,the innocence and the cuteness of child at that precious time of their early childhood and market it I would be a rich man.
Childhood is the most enjoyable and carefree part of one’s life but in the machine age of today the childhood has been redefined as per the suitability and outcome of the prevailing scenario. Maturity should come with age and experience.


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