Stuff You Must Know About The Big Bang Theory



The Big Bang Theory an American sitcom which is one of highly successful sitcoms which has completed seven seasons. The show is primarily centered on five characters living in Pasadena, California roommates Leonard Hofstatdter, Sheldon Cooper, Penny, HowardWolowitz & Raj Koothrappali. The geekiness& intellect of the four guys is contrasted for the comic effect with Penny’s social skills & common sense.


This American sitcom was first premiered on September 24, 2007 before going through many difficulties such as the show’s initial pilot was substantially different from its current form. The only characters from the initial pilot that were kept for the reshot pilot for the series were Leonard & Sheldon. The cast was rounded off by two female leads Amanda Walsh & Iris Bahr. This series was however was not picked, but the creators were given an opportunity to retool the show & produce a new pilot which is presented today.


The first & second pilots of The Big Bang Theory were directed by James Burrows, who did not continue the show.  The reworked second pilot led to a 13-episode order by CBS which was later picked up for the full 22 episodes & the show was filmed in front of the live audience produced by Warner Bros. & Chuck Lorre productions. With the shows success the characters also rose to fame  & the one of the most highest paid TV artists with $3,50000 per episode in the 7th season which was $60,000 per episode in the first season.


This show much focuses on Science especially on Physics. It would be not wrong in saying that these geeks made you laugh in a very nerdy way by making science related jokes. Which is also interfered by some romance, relationships, breakups, linkups in a very comic way.


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Ayesha Patel

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