The BMW Makeup Series


When BMW came out with it first x 5 models back in 2000 they bored most of their systems from land rover. This was one of the first sports activity designs with which BMW entered the sports and off road models from the on till now BMW has developed the models a couple times and now the recent development is the X5 f15 launched in 2014.

All the BMW models had one thing i common power performance and superb interiors and exterior designing which was unmatched by its competitor’s. The developers developed the final model after the following developments in the previous models.


1)BMW X5 E53 (2000-2003)

This model was generally designed for the save vehicle sectors  so too make things better The German designers had the cars generate torque which was 60% distributed amongst the cars tyres. The model was a sports activity model so couldn’t bring down its British competitor rover but then again it wasn’t designed of road vehicles.

2)BMW X5 E53 (2004-2007)

This model was the first facelift to the older model with better and newly developed front grills and newly designed head and tail lights. Along with which the company offered new designed 4 wheel drive system which made more power torque upill 315hp. The last development to this model was the new gear system in 2005. After this the second generations of BMW X5 were launched.

3)BMW X5 E70 (2007- 2009)

This model which launched with a SUVs platform was a evolutionary leap which mad BMW win a lot of award regarding drivability it was ensure with adaptive drive and the xdrive technologies combined winning them ever competitors such as Mercedes ml and audi q7

The model was No1. Suv model for that time period.

4)BMW X5 E70 facelift (2010 – present)

The company mostly focused on changing the feature system of the models along with a little apron styled look for front and rear bumpers. They also changed the design of the new exhaust systems which improved the cars performance to accompany the newly developed 8 gear box transmission train. It had many safety systems like tire flat detection speed control etc. It also made the companies signature development of 4 wheel drive.

5)BMW X5 F15 (Present)

This model has launched a balanced version of off road sav hybrids. 14 years from its previous models it comes to be the best of German designed yet. Customer have a rear wheel drive along with a 4 wheel drove system to be put on this car for the best results, which smallest ever for this version of the car.


– Aditya Chavan


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