Your first job! And, after a sweating attempt, you finally convinced the client / customer for a meet-up. Irrespective of the cultures and customs favourable to the client, you felt stumbled throughout the meeting due to some inhibitions, arriving nonetheless from a mere laxity in preparations. Then, the irrevocable bungle can lead to a series of failures, like loss of client(s), loss of deal, and loss of future associations, leaving behind the dawn of dissapointments.
Perfectionism is derived from preparations well in prior. Once you feel perfect, no one can stop you on closing a deal perfectly. The following is a concise checklist which will definitely help you out, if followed in the manner they are presented. The deal will be sealed, may it be any product-category from A to Z or may it be any brand. The client will, undoubtedly leave the meeting room with the baggage of association, a smile on your face, and the satisfaction of the sale.
Checkbox 1.) Check Your Attire
Keep it crisp, clean and simple. Because, its one of the components of first impression.
Checkbox 2.) Etiquettes
Be simple and sweet-tongued. Hold on to a good posture and get some gargle done in prior for a clear voice.
Checkbox 3.) Smile & its Maintenance
A smile must be ongoing and natural and flashed intermittently. So be light-hearted for a natural disposition.
Checkbox 4.) Thorough Knowledge
Know your Unique Selling Proposition, and Brand, and whosoever is involved in and out. Remember! Half knowledge is really very dangerous.
Checkbox 5.) Time
The Chinese Inspiration : It’s better to be 15 minutes early than to be late by 5 minutes.
Checkbox 6.) The Handshake
The phenomenon of a firm handshake along with eye-to eye contact, reflects confidence and interest, and vice versa, it reflects unawareness; low confidence as well as low interest.
Checkbox 7.) Earnest Desire to Know Your Client, His Likes and Preferences
Higher the knowledge about client, more will be the chances for you to close down loopholes of the deal.
Checkbox 8.) The Pitch
Make sure your pitch is ready beforehand. This will help you prevent fumbling at any point.
Checkbox 9.) Some Souvenir
A return-gift for the client is a must, though he hadn’t agreed upon the deal. And souvenirs need not be tangible. It can be a gesture, a piece of advice or an intellectual quote that client can take back. A tangible one always has a plus-point, which depends upon the client’s likes and the degree of compatibility between you and them.
Checkbox 10.) The Feedback
A feedback in an assigned format or a casual one, will always help you understand your strengths as well as weaknesses. It also makes the client feel important about himself.
Checkbox 11.) Keep Smiling but remember the aggressiveness: Give him the reminder for future associations.
Smile often and naturally. Memorize a small re-pitch in prior and cast your final spell for futuristic associations and opportunities when nearing the end. Remind them about the souvenirs to keep it memorable. Say thank you.