The Conjuring- A Captivating Watch!


So when it comes to horror flicks, people usually have a lot of misconceptions, reason simple being that the knowledge of the true essence of a good horror remains untouched and unexplored. People do not usually invest time and money in horror movies because of the rare audience that it attracts. One of the biggest misconceptions why people do not like watching horror is because they believe that there are a lot of gory elements in such movies which is true in some ways and has some perspective. However, these days’ directors are not making it good in the horror business as they are unable to satisfy the audience. The most crucial feature in any movie is its story, its plot. That is what acts a magnet and keeps the audience hooked. What is the use of making movies with only gory filth but no story line?

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After getting tired of seeing one after the other boring same stereotypical horror movies, finally one horror caught my attention. The release of conjuring has revived new hope and given horror some true and real perspective and a new angle to film making. As believed, the plot is based on a true story about a couple moving into a house on a faraway place with their five daughters after which they start to experience super natural occurrences there.


Although, I agree that the beginning is a bit of a cliché, however, as we proceed in the movie, we find some spine chilling moments and instances and the gripping thrill of what would happen next keeps the viewer’s eyes glued to the screen. Some such instances which leave the audience gasping are the wardrobe scenes, the scene with the shaking staircase and bed, the mirror reflections and of course the  very famous scene in game of hide and clap which was also seen in the promising trailer whose release shot up the films publicity level.

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Apart from that, this movie also provides some very interesting facts and knowledge about supernatural entities provided by the demonologists Ed (Patrick Wilson) and Lorraine (Vera Farmiga) who did a commendable job as actors. The climax was very captivating without much gruesome stuff and yet kept the horror element intact at all times. The starkest role was played by Lily Taylor and she did an outstanding job with some strong and versatile acting.

In short, the conjuring is one the very rare good horror movies which provides the right amount of thrill to its audience. So to all you horror lovers out there, you wouldn’t want to miss out on this flick!

– Anwesha Rath

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Poonam Gandhi


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