The Cricket Fever Is On..ICC World Cup 2015



I have got a question, what is our national game, cricket or hockey? It’s cricket right? Just kidding. I know its hockey, but a person who doesn’t know will definitely say that it’s cricket. Cricket is in the blood of Indians and I guess even the people of the country where this game originated are not so much crazy about cricket. When it comes to “cricket” no one can stop an Indian from bunking colleges, taking holiday from office and running towards the stadium to enjoy a fantastic match.

Virus of cricket has spread in our country and with the beginning of ICC Cricket World Cup its spreading even more. And the excitement has reached the peak of a mountain because of today’s India v/s Pakistan match. Don’t know why but we Indians love to defeat Pakistan especially in cricket and that is why India v/s Pakistan is the most awaited match. And the best example of this is the sale of tickets.
Yes, last year India v/s Pakistan match’s tickets were sold in just 20 minutes. Shocking right!

      This world cup fever is actually beneficial for our nation. It is the time when people forget whether they are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, BJP, Congress or AAP, from east, west, north or south and they have only one word on their mouth “INDIA” and one feeling of being an “INDIAN”. Cricket unites us and on winning the match whole country together celebrates that moment. That environment is just worth watching. 2011’s victory over Pakistan was the best example.

Though this year we all will miss our Master-Blaster Sachin Tendulkar and his fabulous batting, but we have our calm and cool captain MSD and his amazing team of batsmen and bowlers and we know it that they’ll bring that Cup from Australia in India.

Wish you all the luck Team India. We all are with you.

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Tanvi Taparia


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