The Dearth of Creativity



Creativity can be defined and expressed in many ways and has various forms. The advertisements we see are also a form of creativity. We generally notice the product and the celebrity who endorses it often fail to see the idea behind the advertisement, which has been conceived by someone. There are many aspects to an advertisement. Some have great punch lines or taglines, some have a famous personality, some have a unique concept, some great scenes, etc. But its seldom we remember these advertisements as most of the times we change the channel whenever an advertisement comes so it’s true that the advertisements have a short life.

 However, there are a few advertisements which are etched in our minds. It may happen so because of several reasons but all of us do have some in our mind like “Yeh Fevicol ka jod hai tutega nahin” or more recent “kuch daag acche hote hain”. Some ads become memorable because of celebrities like Mr. Amitabh Bachan endorsing Cadbury, Boroplus, Gujarat Tourism or a Katrina Kaif endorsing Maaza with her ‘aamsutra’ advertisements. Some advertisements have a unique idea like “Idea” – India ko no ullu banaoing, their advertisements are based on common incidents and common people which instantly click with individuals.

 Sadly nowadays we have very few advertisements which strike an emotional chord or stay in individual minds for a long time. Unlike the earlier advertisements they are comparatively poor or weak creatively and solely work either on celebrity endorsement or the “sexual attraction” factor. Creativity is in shortage or has simply ceased to exist and I feel this every time I see ‘Axe’ or ‘Engage’ deodorant advertisement, I am pushed to think if they makers are exhausted with ideas as they seem to have no better reason to sell their deodorant. Why does an individual need to wear a deodorant for the purpose of attracting sexual attention from the opposite sex? It’s high time they have better reasons to sell a deodorant as the sole reason here is perspiration.

 The double standard of the censor board is something I fail to understand. The scenes from movies are cut since they are inadequate but most of the advertisements these days have sexually explicit scenes which are in full view of children. The advertisements need to be made more sensibly and responsibly.

Waiting to catch a glimpse of a nice advertisement which doesn’t make me skip the channel, holds my attention throughout and stays in my memory for long enough just like “hum mein hai hero…. desh ki dhadkan… aapka Hero Honda ab hai Motocop” by AR Rahman.

– Anjani Nautiyal.

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