- The technical assistance  for Windows XP i.e. support and updates are no longer available from 8th April 2014. Microsoft has said a goodbye to the 12 year old Windows XP.
- Microsoft has stopped providing Microsoft Security Essentials i.e. automatic updates that help protect your PC/Laptop and if you continue to use Windows XP now, your computer will still work but it will become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses.
- If you also use Internet Explorer 8 in your PC, you  might be exposing your PC to additional threats as Internet Explorer 8 is no longer supported.
- Now, to stay protected, you have 2 options i.e. Upgrade your current PC with the latest version of Windows 8.1 or if your current PC cannot run Windows 8.1, then get a new PC/Laptop where you can move you can install a new version. You can move all your Windows XP stuff with Laplink, a free data migration solution that will get all your files, user profiles from Windows XP PC to your new Windows Laptop/desktop/tablet.
-  You can check what you would get in Windows 8.1 at http://windows.microsoft.com/en-in/windows-8/meet.
Wanna know if your computer/laptop is running Windows XP, check this site –Â http://amirunningxp.com/