The Death Of Windows XP : 5 Important Facts You Need To Know



  1. The technical assistance  for Windows XP i.e. support and updates are no longer available from 8th April 2014. Microsoft has said a goodbye to the 12 year old Windows XP.
  2. Microsoft has stopped providing Microsoft Security Essentials i.e. automatic updates that help protect your PC/Laptop and if you continue to use Windows XP now, your computer will still work but it will become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses.
  3. If you also use Internet Explorer 8 in your PC, you  might be exposing your PC to additional threats as Internet Explorer 8 is no longer supported.
  4. Now, to stay protected, you have 2 options i.e. Upgrade your current PC with the latest version of Windows 8.1 or if your current PC cannot run Windows 8.1, then get a new PC/Laptop where you can move you can install a new version. You can move all your Windows XP stuff with Laplink, a free data migration solution that will get all your files, user profiles from Windows XP PC to your new Windows Laptop/desktop/tablet.
  5.  You can check what you would get in Windows 8.1 at

Wanna know if your computer/laptop is running Windows XP, check this site –


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