The Dirty Indian And Our Social Junk!


I remember they taught us in school that “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. And I am sure, like me, most of the people never really understood why! But now I do. Last week I an article about the Japanese cleaning the littered stadium after their team played a match in Brasil for the World Cup, And these people came in BMW’s. Are they allowed to do that?

A similar incident in India, where a guy stopped two ladies from littering was punched in the face. Yes!now that’s like an Indian. We shower punches instead of apologizing. We are so compelled and obliged by our social class that we put back our basic mannerisms. We vindicate our actions by a wry sense of snobbery.

I feel sad when we have foreigners coming to India they want to see the real bit of it. Does that mean they want to know how much garbage we have?  How much filthy and dirt do we live in? It’s kind of aggravating because hundreds of years of civilization…and no civic sense? 

How are we supposed to conquer greater achievements when we fail so miserably at the basic level?  We do not need “education”, we just need consciousness and a little sense of responsibility.

“India is a developing nation”… I am sick of these words. And given in to the current scenario, the hope too, only fades into a gloomy abyss.

– Kashmeera Tambe

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