The Distinction between IITs & other Engineering Colleges in India



In India, one of the successful career options is engineering as there is a different reputation of it in Indian society. Like every parents dream they want to give the best education to their child & want to be highly successful in life. So the IITs(Indian Institute of Technology ) is always the dream of ones parents as the level of IIT education is meant to be highest in India & engineering is also considered as one of the best career option of a teenage & their parents also. There is always a question that why IITians are paid in millions of rupees per annum & engineers are paid only few lakhs. As many of us has heard that the engineering is same all across India. So why there is so much difference in the pay scale of both the engineers. So here we by making comparison between their distinction, grading & quality of both these institutes provide we try to find the answer for this questions.

Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) are a group of autonomous public engineering & management institutes of India. The IITs are governed by the institutes of Technology Act, 1961. And they are also declared as the “institutions of national importance” and lays down their powers, duties, framework for governance etc. In India as of 2014 there are only sixteen institutes who has been given the accreditation of an IIT. The first was constructed in India is IIT Kharagpur which was constructed in 1951 & after that the other fifteen institutes has been constructed & they are situated in other parts of India. The places where these institutes were constructed are Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Mandi, Mumbai, Patna, Ropar, Roorkee& Varanasi. In it’s the award of degrees are ranging from B.Tech to PhD.


In India, there are approximately 3600 colleges offering Engineering courses. In every engineering there are approximately 500 students pursuing different branches in engineering. So one of the prime reason for the degrading distinction of engineering institute is the number of institutes providing this course is course is more & lakhs of engineers are produced every year.

The admission procedure is different for IIT & engineering colleges. In IITs for getting admission there is a common entrance exam known as IIT-JEE which in 2013 is replaced by Joint Entrance Examinations. This exam is set to be known as one of the difficult examinations to get cleared & only few hardworking & smart candidates are able to clear this exam & also as the institutes are less the competition for the admission is very high. In engineering the selection procedure is done on the basis of CET (Common Entrance Test) which is a less difficult exam as compared to IIT-JEE. & as the number of institutes offering this course is very large so there is very less competition to get admission to this colleges.


Next comes the environment for the comparison between these institutes. An IIT student is surrounded by the people who have cleared this difficult test & even the lectures or the professors are highly qualified so there you can’t go too wrong in any theory. In engineering colleges many important topics are skip from many subjects just to reduce the workload of students. So the quality & quantity of education make a vast difference here. In IIT the projects, practical’s& other assignment work is taken very seriously whereas in engineering institutes hardly anyone attends it.

IIT is fully governed by government i.e. there is very less or no fees for the students to pay as the main focus is given to generate quality engineers & not on the quantity whereas in engineering institutes are under the control of certain university & more often the education here is most considered as business where the main aim is to generate quantity & gain maximum profit.

As the education provide in both institutes are same i.e. engineering course but the main difference is on the amendment of the courses & on the quality of education provided by these institutes.

– Nikhil Jain

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