The E-Learn


Someday back I was going through an article which showcased details of England students majorly (Ox. and Cam.) failed in mathematics and the scores when compared to another countries like India and China were bizarre. The actual problem when researched came out to be that professors in England were finding difficulty in understanding the problems  which made them unable to teach the problem. The article also stated how they recovered from the problem. It stated that they outsourced it. I wonder how they managed to do this, I have heard about machinery outsourcing, service outsourcing, etc. All they did was they e-employed professors to e-teach. They employed the latest technology to do this.

As we know Indian teachers are being looked upon by countries like US, UK and Australia to groom students. With rapid development in online learning, tutoring companies have also got a boost. Many are investing in technologies like multimedia chat rooms, Interwise Enterprise Conferencing (IEC), Voice-over-Internet Protocol and so on.

Students from anywhere across the globe log on to a website at a pre-determined time for a particular course. An Indian teacher logs on to the same website at the same time. The technology used is IEC, which integrates web, video and voice in an IP based software platform. While it is a one-on-one session for a student, the teacher usually attends to multiple students simultaneously on different links. The session is generally of an hour, providing sufficient time to even asks questions.

There can be three methodologies to conduct online tutoring. The most expensive but beneficial is the one-to-one session, which allows tutoring companies to create customized tutoring solutions to suit individual needs as well. The second is virtual classroom which is ideal for small group learning around the world or limited to a classroom. The Third can be web seminars which are for large group presentations that aim to build awareness and transfer knowledge to a segment of students.

For online tutoring, 24×7 learning is now a norm, especially with learners living in practically every time-zone and having unpredictable learning habits. For teachers, apart from being component in their fields, they need to have experience in tutoring over the web. The major subjects are Math, English grammar, comprehension and writing, Science, Social Studies and Engineering. But when I look up to this concept when implied on India the future stills seams far as only in India the computer is still in familiarizing stage, the concept of e-learning is still obscure.


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