The Emerging Business Opportunities In India You Ought To Know



What are your thoughts before going to a guest lecture or a seminar? Do you Google about the guest or do you ever prepare a questionnaire? As a listener what one person thinks before and after the seminar? When he enters he knows few things about the speaker and the company but when he comes out through the exit door he knows about the experience of that personality. You can start a business when you have money, you can get all the technical knowledge required to run a business but you cannot know the market in and out unless you enter there. The significance of guest lecture for amatuer is to know the depth of the ocean. The mistakes that those successful people made and how they rose from those crises, these information are actually the experience of that entrepreneurs and these are priceless.

I am here to share my one of the priceless experience with all you people. I was fortunate to attend the speech of Mr. Ramesh Iyer, CEO of Mahindra and Mahindra financing sector. His speech was so mesmerising that we didn’t realise where our one and half hour flew away.

Mahindra and Mahindra is a company which is almost in every sector, automobiles, holiday, bank and financing and IT.
The reason behind the growth of the company according to Mr. Iyer is that Mahindra sees the emerging opportunities. India have 6 lakh villages and according to him that is the biggest emerging opportunity for India and its businessmen. The most important for a business is to grab these new opportunities and convert it into its profit making opportunity with keeping in mind its customers. A business which doesn’t respect its customer cant survive in the market.

According to him, a person who is involved in business activities should be knowledgeable and should crave for more. For that he advised to form groups,share information in the group. Being knowledgeable doesn’t only covering the market knowledge but also different kind of foreign languages. As we all know Indian market is going global and it always comes in handy when you know many different languages. Also try to understand the culture of different countries, it helps to to crack many deals by providing homely environment to the party.


He says that future of India is its youth, the only requirement for them is to be ready to work and they should be dedicated towards what they plan to do. He appeals the youth to be strong and strategic and use their knowledge well. Every state in India is having opportunity, huge opportunity, but only if the business see those opportunities as state-wise not country-wise.

Today India have developed so much if we compare it to a decade ago. In the past, India was depended on natural resources for its every work, but today India is a place where greenhouse effect is created by our own.

He says HARDWORK is the only key to success and there is no other option. He says you dream to be successful and don’t be afraid on hardwork. Do any minor work but make sure you create an IMPACT.
When you plan anything, always have more than one option. More of options increase the possibility of your success.
When you work in a company, try to gain respect for your knowledge and not for your authority. Be so knowledgeable that any person will think twice to counter you.

So friends next time when you get an opportunity to attend a seminar, go for it, not just because the guest is a success but for the path of its success.



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