The Fight for Students Rights from Mumbai University Continues!


 Last week we reported about the meeting held by the Joint Action Committee for Improvement of Higher Education, under the guidance of Professor Neeraj Hatekar on the 12th of February where students and teachers alike discussed regarding the faulty grading system and the T.Y.BMS Financial management paper and a letter was drafted addressed to the Vice Chancellor of the  University of Mumbai. (See report: )

 This fight with the university demanding the rights of students continues in full force. On the 15th and 16th of this month a follow-up meeting was conducted where the committee along with the students collected various documents of proof such as the ‘FM Appeal’ written by regarding the FM paper (see appeal: ), a newspaper article from the Mumbai Mirror, dated 14th December 2013 (see article: ) and mark sheets of students who had performed well in their exams yet had scored less marks in the FM paper.

 On the 17th of February, the committee along with the students who are actively participating in this event met the Controller of Examination, the University of Mumbai; who gave them her word to ensure revaluation results and all other grievances faced by the students would be solved before the ATKT exams.

 As of now all that this committee is looking for is support from BMS students across all colleges affiliated with the University  who have been affected by the Financial management paper, scaling down of marks and faulty grading system adopted.

 They are requesting all BMS colleges to take a copy of the letter ( and get it signed by as many BMS students as they can and share it with this committee as soon as possible. This will act as a show of strength of unity from all the BMS students who have suffered.

 It’s up to the BMS students now, because it is only your unity that will hopefully bring in some change.

 If you wish to step up and show your support but don’t know who to contact, kindly contact by commenting on this article on sending us a message on our Facebook Fan Page ( and we will surely help you reach the correct person.

Recent Articles in TOI regarding this issue:



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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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