The Greenhouse Effect: Styling Effectively You For Spring


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It truly takes one leap to bring forth the vibrancy of the spring- fresh, invigorating colours; greens lush as if freshly watered; a quiet, pulsating energy. Here are ways to embrace this season:-

1) You should try a  plunging neckline and a tantalising shade of orange-how better to embrace the rising heat of the season?

2) An over-sized T-shirt tucked into a graphic floral skirt is your quick route to street chic.

3) You can wear a silky kimono which inject warmth and make you look like a sexy siren.

4) Try  a cheeky, 60’s tunic dense with the colours of nature.

5) Opt for colors like eggplant purple, maize yellow and leaf green to tease out your wild side.

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6) For some days, wear a sleek and simple floral dress which requires nothing but a sprinkle of attitude to bring it to life.

7) You could try pops of neon pink gown against a tangle of emerald vines which will invoke visions of an all grown-up Alice in Wonderland.

8) Luxe velvet and silk with pretty florals take you on a seductive mysterious quality and are a must-try!

9) A playful mismatch of flowers and bright cheeks imbibes the care-free spirit of spring with passion.So wear it this way  exuding heaps of elegance.

10) Add a  chili bracelet to your look to pull it off even better!


Incorporate these ideas while dressing up during the season and some statement bags and trendy accessories too!You can also add vibrant hats or even a fox-fur scarf to add to the seduction. So ladies, it’s time to incorporate these ideas while you dress up for the season and see how your oomph works!

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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