The IBM-NEN Mentor Melas


The National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN), in association with IBM, is happy to bring to you an exciting new opportunity – the IBM-NEN Mentor Melas.

The Mentor Melas are twelve extensive mentoring sessions to be held in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune and the NCR. The sessions are designed to provide entrepreneurs an opportunity to spend time one-on-one with 3 different mentors to discuss challenges that they are currently facing in their business.

The Mentor Melas will be organized by the NEN Trust and IBM will bring in their expert resources as mentors at each Mentor Mela session.

The 12 Mentor Melas will be conducted in 6 locations this year: Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Mumbai.

How It Works?

• Each Mentor Mela session will pair 30 NEN Entrepreneur with 3 different IBM Experts each.
• Every entrepreneur will have 45 minutes, 1:1 with the 3 mentors to discuss any three concerns or challenges that he/she faces.
• Mentees will be pre-matched to the mentors based on challenges that he/she faces in different functional areas.

E.g.: If the entrepreneur wants to grow his venture, and is not sure how much finance he would need as well as the kind of team that would be required to achieve his goal – he/she will be matched with an expert each from Marketing, Finance and HR.

• Similarly, every IBM Expert will also mentor 3 NEN entrepreneurs.
• Post the Mela, a mentor can choose to handhold one or more of the three mentees to pursue an intensive 2-3 month mentoring, with a pre-decided target to be achieved at the end of the said period.

Who Are the Mentors?

• All the 30 IBM mentors present at each Mentor Mela will be top professionals from the company.
• They will come from the senior leadership and other senior management at IBM.
• Each Expert will be a sector/domain specialist in his/her respective field.

Details of The Upcoming Session.

• Date: July 23rd, 2011
• Time: 9:30 am to 1:30 pm
• Venue: Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Munshi Nagar, Andheri West
• City: Mumbai

Who Can Apply?

• Startups, early-growth stage ventures or even seasoned entrepreneurs facing growth challenges.
• Anyone who has a well researched idea but is uncertain how to implement it.
• Entrepreneurs whose ventures are in the prototype or pre-revenue stage.
• Entrepreneurs who are looking to scale up their businesses.

How To Apply

• If you want to apply to enroll for our upcoming Mentor Mela, click on this link –​ts/event_details/14548

• Download the application form and send it to us at [email protected]

• The last date to apply for this Mentor Mela is 9th July ’11

Please note: While there will be no fee to apply and attend a Mentor Mela, all registrations will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. So please register at the earliest.

You may want to look at our website for further information. In addition, we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Warm regards,

Sunitha Prasad
Manager, NEN Resource Bureau
[email protected]

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