The Importance of Mental Health, Physical Fitness, and Wellness



Fitness is a general state of health. FITNESS is of two types

  1. Physical
  2. Mental

Mental fitness is that state of mind. The ability to perform tasks related to the brain. It is interlinked with physical fitness. If you are mentally fit you can physically perform very well.

Health and fitness is given the uttermost priority in today’s world. It should definitely be a priority as STRESS takes over all our lives. Earlier we didn’t need to exercise a normal walk after dinner used to be enough but today it is not enough. A lot of health issues have become an obstacle in the lives of many people including little children. Regular physical exercise is important for younger generations too, especially with the rise of obesity in children. Heart disease, type 2 diabetes and asthma are a few of them. A study said that mother’s in USA used to feed their little children McDonalds French fries. When the basis of children’s immunity is based on oily French fries how would you expect that kid to be fit and health. He will definitely face obesity. . It is important to choose an activity you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle and tailor it to your fitness level. There are a list of activities that you can do to improve your health and fitness

  1. Aerobic
  2. Zumba
  3. Kick boxing
  4. Power yoga
  5. Dance
  6. Gym
  7. Swimming


Some of the most can do things that do not require special training

  • Brisk walking
  • Jogging
  • Cycling


Aerobic activity improves your cardiovascular health and helps protect against heart disease. It also improves your physical energy and produces endorphins that improve your mood.

This will help you make exercise a habit. It’s also a good idea to choose more than one type of exercise to give your body a more complete workout and to avoid boredom.

There are two great ways to increase aerobic benefits:

  • Add more vigorous activities
  • Add more time for aerobic activities




It works on your core, your full body, gets you in shape. Having tried all this I have tried a lot of things and swimming had helped me built stamina and also get your body in shape within 3 months I had lost over 20kgs just by swimming.


The best and the most effective way to keep you fit. You can do it in your nearest park. Just put some music on and you are just there. You can easily walk for minimum of 30 minutes. No need of classes. You can walk from the station to your college or your work place anywhere. Using the staircase helps too.

  1. SKIPPING :-

When we were little children didn’t we love the skipping rope? Then why don’t we use it now. Its fun it keeps you healthy and fit. Makes you lose the unwanted fat. Everyday morning half an hour does help.

There are so many ways of keeping yourself fit and eating right makes it all perfect. It is very important to keep yourself fit both physically and mentally. A physically fit body can make you perform tasks well. But a mentally fit person can perform activities and task related to brain and the body well. Stress only makes you mentally weak. Reading and thinking positive keeps you so mentally stable. If you have a certain element disturbing or ruining your mental peace cut it off. Meditation is equally important. Technology has made us so lazy that we are just into our phones and laptops. We do not get up from our places and it results into health issues. Weak eye sight, too much of exposure to light and radiation causes a lot of stress on the brain resulting into frustration, mood swings and loads of mental and physical illness.


It is one of the most life threatening diseases. It is seen in men women and children. A lot of woman has many problems due to obesity one of which is a hormonal disease called PCOS/ PCOD. Formally known as poly cystic ovarian syndrome/disease. This is a disease occurring in many women and teenagers. In this kind of disease women get irregular periods, mood swings, hormone changes, the feminine hormones undergo changes. It further results into depression. Again an unhealthy and unfit mind = unfit body. Therefore fitness for woman is compulsory. Pcod causes problems in conceiving, even causes miscarriages.

In men obesity causes heart attack. Nowadays even children of the age of 12 get minor heart attacks. Sad but true. A student got a heart attack while writing his 12th board exams and died on the spot. Now you see how tension and mental health has affected physical fitness.

Our body is the only vehicle that we carry throughout our lives. Importance of fitness will only be realized when you really want to do something and you cannot. If you fall sick and you want to run a marathon and you cannot you will get all the more irritated and you will feel the prick.



By Carren Bryne




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