The Importance Of Social Networking Sites


social networking sites

Since we all are living in a technological era where all the things are done through machines and computers, internet has played a huge role while developing a technology.

No one can imagine their world without internet these days. I think it is quite justified, as internet has made complicated things a lot easier. 

In past few years, the e-commerce and social networking sites have evolved and have made their strong foothold in developing relationship and smooth functioning of trade.

Social networking sites have played a huge role in developing and maintaining relationships and communities. 

Nowadays there are so many social networking sites which are popular like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube etc. 

People these days are also earning income from many social networking sites. 

As we are living in the era of Social Networking Sites, I wanted to share with you all the Importance of Social Networking Sites. 

The Basic function of Social Networking Site is to develop social relationships and social communities online across globe. They are made to remove all barriers related to communication. 

One can communicate or reach people at large through Social Networking Sites. It also helps people to share their interests with everyone. 

Even for an organisation, Social Networking plays an important role. 

It helps organisation as well as people to promote a good cause. While doing so organisation or a person can get participation from people around the world due to social networking sites. 

The biggest example of this is ALS challenge which was started for a good cause reached people around the world through social networking sites. 

Social networking sites can also be useful to enhance your knowledge. As one can know all the latest news and trends through it. It is truly informative. There some cons to this way of learning or getting information as well. But there are always some blogs which truly a genuine and provider of good information.

Social networking Sites can also help to improve your communication skills. Social networking sites are not only made for people who are extroverts and outgoing. But they are also for people who are introverts who want to share or put forward a thought or a suggestion. They can always do it through blogs. 

It also helps organisation to communicate and maintain healthy relationships with their customers or consumers. Many organisation are using social networking sites for advertising and marketing. The are using social networking sites to promote sales and offers as well. 

Social networking sites also provides various opportunities to people in general. 

Like this, in so many ways social networking sites are useful and important in a person’s life. If you are not following any social networking sites then you must do so. 

It will help you in many ways and will change your life for good. 




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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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