The In and Out of Bollywood


bollywood logic 1


Do you ever get a feeling that there is something wrong with Bollywood (no offence)? But every time I sit to watch a Bollywood movie I have never felt like watching it again. I mean, there is nothing worth watching again apart from some quirky dialogues and some action-sequence.
Now let me ask you one thing do you get any social message out of it? Leave that, do you even get something to learn from it? I reckon it’s a ‘No’.
It’s not like I don’t watch Bollywood movies or I have pure hatred for Bollywood, it’s nothing like that, I do watch it and there are some milestone movies which reign over every other movie. But it’s the plot that I am disappointed about.

56142723 bollywood-logic-chennai-express-funny Bollywood logic

So let me tell you a story, There is a family who lived a happy life with their minimum wages, believed in God, were righteous on their terms then because of some evil conspiracy the family gets murdered, burning everything except the Son, the now 20 years older some plans vengeance of the evil lord, faceoff, evil lord shocked over the existence of the Boy he killed during his veteran years of villainy, sloppy cliché dialogues, caterwauling, begging mercy, Hero recalcitrant, and kills the villain, The end… bullshit. Who wants to watch a smug-faced guy and his plans for retribution for another 2 hours.!!
And yeah. How can I forget their lovely doll-faced flamboyant girlfriends who roams around singing songs and doing item numbers?
So let me get this straight, the whole structure of the film is ‘REVENGE’ now either it maybe brother, father or anyone else, who cares? You guys certainly need examples for what am I relating to? So, pick any movie you watched recently, review it in your mind and tell me whether the storyline isn’t something which is stretched on the things I just said? You got the answer for yourself.


I am also very much concerned about the entrance of the protagonists like they are some kind of foppish people who gloat about their muscles every now and then, and their abs, like whenever they are half-naked water starts flowing in between the shots from I don’t know where? It must be some kind of Holy water. And that’s where I feel so much inferior about me, that I don’t have abs and the V-cut so I won’t be able to avenge my dead relatives and I just stand there waiting for ‘Dhoop’ (sunlight- supernatural ability to beat up the bad guys into pulp).
Now it happens so, that sometimes I think, there should be a course that Indian institutions and colleges should offer to people who have been the victim of such sinister acts which can make them proficient on planning vendetta against such villains.

logic of bollywood

I am not antagonizing every work our people have done but is just needed to clear my head that if this is what you wanna give the audience they will never be influenced by the cinema, they’ll just crap it.
Actors, support group, script writers, directors put in a lot of effort to put forward everything we see, but just the deliverance is not superficial.
I cannot conclude this topic because it is not in my hand to control the Indian cinema, I am just another guy who wants his voice to be heard but I would say it truly that Indian cinema has and will always have the legendary appearances which comes up every now and then which makes our jaw drop and leaves us flabbergasted.
(But still that long wet songs and that pseudo-intellect dialogues never behoved Bollywood)

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