The Indian Securities Market Before 1992


The Indian securities market before 1992 had the following characteristics:

• Fragmented regulation; multiplicity of administration.

• Primary markets not in the mainstream of the financial system.

• Poor disclosure in prospectus. Prospectus and balance sheet not made available to investors.

• Investors faced problems of delays (refund, transfer, etc.)

• Stock exchanges regulated through the Securities Contracts (Regulations) Act. No inspection of stock exchanges undertaken.

• FIIs also permitted to invest in unlisted securities and corporate and Government debt.

• The Depositories Act enacted to facilitate the electronic book entry transfer of securities through depositories.

• Guidelines for Offshore Venture Capital Funds announced. SEBI regulations for venture capital funds become effective.

• Stock Exchanges run as brokers clubs; management dominated by brokers.

• Merchant bankers and other intermediaries unregulated.

• No concept of capital adequacy.

• Mutual funds—virtually unregulated with potential for conflicts of interest in structure.

• Poor disclosures by mutual funds; net asset value (NAV) not published; no valuation norms.

• Takeovers regulated only through listing agreement between the stock exchange and the company.

• No prohibition of insider trading, or fraudulent and unfair trade practices.

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