The Ironical Fallacy of Good Grades


Hey guys….. I am back with another element that makes us and adds to the tension list of our lives….’Grades’. Hey don’t be scared. I am not going to discuss or give you tips on how to improve our grades. That is not my department. It is taken care by somebody else.

You know whom I am talking about. Let us not go there. If any parent reads my article, I am dead. They are going to find my parents and get them involved. Then instead of writing this article from my house, I will be writing from hospital. So let’s not play with fire.  Look guys, this article is for you, me and all the future generation. We cannot change our parents or anybody whose thought process is too late to change. But it is for us, so that we don’t have the same approach as that of our parents. At least we can be the change.

Remember “The Power of Youth”. If not go through that article. 

We all will agree that grades are important but will not act as a life changing event. We all have experienced this fact. I am sure you will be able to relate it and go back into the times when we were pressurized by our elders, specially our parents for getting good scores.

They will always compare our marks with the marks obtained by our classmates. They will be unsatisfied if we obtain the same percentage in the exam as that of our earlier exams. They will ask us to show improvement even if the percentage is maintained above 80%. If our rank is 5th position in the class, they will be disappointed that we could not make it 4th or 2nd position.

Again comparison with the students who attained 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th position. When you post-mortem the reasons behind their tendency to compare us all the time, you will find that all of them are trapped in the fallacy of grades.

I don’t understand what makes them think that a topper will have a bright career and earn in dollars, while an average student will be a clerk in a government organization, trying to pay his EMI. Our parents were once a student. I don’t understand what makes them forget their student life and importance of grades in one’s life, the moment they become a parent. They will be just like their parents and maintain the same attitude. The attitude that they once disliked ask your parents, are they using any of the knowledge they have gained in their academics.

Their answer will be NO. The simple logic is 99% of the population takes up a job which is entirely different from their studies. I don’t say that marks are not important. Of course they are. It gives you an entry in any field or organization. But academic studies is just not enough. Let me prove my point by giving you an example- ‘Mark Zuckerberg’, college dropout but highly successful and rich. There are many other examples who be an evidence to prove my point.

If you google, you will 1000s of entrepreneurs, who are successful and are college drop outs. The famous Dirubhai Ambani and his son Mukesh Ambani. They have managed to create the empire of Reliance Industries. They have managed to achieve their success not by adding to qualifications to their certificate list, but by gaining and expanding their knowledge horizon.

There is a fine line between knowledge and qualification. People often misinterpret their meanings. I have seen many people think that if a person have a certificate, then he has knowledge about that area.

But the fact is knowledge does not depend upon your certificates. This is a proven fact. You can test this point by asking a few basic questions to anybody in relation to their area of studies. You will see that, they have got bookish knowledge, which they gain for passing exams. Once done with exams, they forget that knowledge as if they have forgotten a nightmare. Then how can you say it is knowledge. Knowledge cannot be destroyed or forgotten.

I have proved my point. Even if a student clears an exam with distinction, it necessarily doesn’t mean that the person is knowledgeable. Don’t forget, student can pass an exam by cheating. And with progress in technologies, students have found new methods to cheat and crack an exam.

Have you ever thought from an industry point of view? Organizations are in search of multi-tasking people. Along with your studies, what else you have been doing. Do you have any other skills? And we know this fact. To have a heavy resume, we need to add on to our activities and make it attractive. Then why we fail it to implement it when we understand this fact. This is what I call fallacy of grades.

Those who faced interviews, they must be knowing what kind of questions are asked. The interviewers are more interested in the curricular activities than your percentages. It will be a very interactive session. They will try to know you and what have you achieved till date. They will hardly ask you any academic questions. Then why so stress.

We all our entangled in the threads of a fake way of judging students. I cannot even blame our parents. They are following what he has been taught and experienced. But at least, we youngistan know the truth. So let’s accept and implement it…. Be the Change.

I know this article has become quite lengthy and kind of a little boring. But I can’t help it. I want to be the change and so do you. But we are humans. There is a possibility that in future we will be so stressed that we will tend to adopt the concept of fit in and this may result in fatal situations. At this point of time, we are stocked with different kinds of pressure.

By the time, the future generation starts facing this situation, the level of pressure would be double. Do whatever you want…. Pin this article…bookmark it…do anything but you should never forget what you have experienced and what you need to do. It is your responsibility to be the change.

– Aishwarya. J

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