The Joy Of Giving – Increase Your Standard Of Giving



Joy is that flag that is flown high from the castle of ones heart. We often get the feeling of joy when we give something to the ones we love. We give a lot of gifts, money; we even treat our friends and lovers just to make them happy. We do it to see a big smile on their faces to see the feeling of JOY. We give so much of time, love and appreciation to so many people. Have you ever thought how many of those people really felt that joy?

Joy of giving basically is a concept that a lot of churches and corporate companies follow. They give a part of their income or company profit to the needy as a corporate social responsibility. But is it only their responsibility to give to the people and the society? As individuals we give to the poor may be in the train when a beggar begs or at signals or even to some eunuchs forcefully or to someone in need do u really feel that joy in your heart when you give it? I don’t think so. Well that feeling of joy comes from within when you really want to do something for someone it may be anything in terms of cash and kind.

We often love to pet animal’s dogs, cats, rabbits and rats even fishes. We spend plenty of rupees over these animals. They become a part of your life but have you ever wondered if you use the same amount in feeding a poor or educating a child who cannot afford education and really wants to study how much will it benefit that person and how many blessing you receive while doing this good deed. In this selfish world we only think about yourself and for the ones we love when you have plenty you must give atleast a little to the others.

Inflation rate is high you can’t afford a lot of stuff these days so how would you manage to fulfil the conditions of the joy of giving? There is no condition as such and it is not necessary that you give money only. If you give your time to others at least a little bit that’s all that they need. We all need someone to speak someone who can hear us, why not just be there for someone and give our time to them. Joy of giving is not only about giving time to others outside. Many of us don’t spend time with our parents, grandparents or people in need at our homes and neighbourhood, how about spending some time with them and making them happy. In this world of technology we have forgotten to speak to the person sitting beside us be it parents or friends. Sometimes you feel the need of just going out with friends and just sharing your feelings. Nothing like it to personally talk to someone and feel connected.

joy of giving

Catholics often give to the poor during the season of Christmas. They believe Christmas is the season of giving. It is based on 4 themes for the 4 Sundays before Christmas i.e. LOVE, PEACE, JOY and HOPE. Out of which joy resembles the joy of coming of the lord and it’s also the time of joy of giving. Donating clothes, sweets, money and your time is all about joy that brings in while you give. We spend so much on shoes, shopping, clothes, accessories, furniture and food. If we sacrifice a little from that amount and do something for the needy it would count as a blessing and will make you happy and contented. Most of us have that feeling of doing something for someone but how many of us really do it? Even a small thing you give or you do to bring a smile on someone’s face is counted in the joy of giving. I once had carried an apple along with my tiffin box to college and while standing on the platform a poor hungry kid came begging to me I didn’t want to give him money but he mentioned he was hungry. I gave him that whole apple and there was a smile on his face he happily ate the apple. The need of the hour was food not money. He would have brought some food for himself but wasn’t sure if he would do that or no. giving him an apple made me feel I gave him something to eat and something that is healthy. Both were happy and that feeling of giving was felt.

If you have no one to celebrate your birthday with try celebrating it with the DON BOSCO SHELTER BOYS- they are group of boys who study and stay there at the shelter as their parents can’t afford to manage their expenses some of them are orphans. Instead of treating your friends take them for a treat. They may be many you don’t necessarily need to take them at the 5star. But sharing a meal with them sitting and eating with them, talking to them and playing some games dancing with them is all that can make them happy. They do not forget the things you do for them. Sometimes our loved ones forget what we have done for them but these children don’t.

Spending time with special children can be another good deed. You can be dress them up well and organise a fashion show for them. Something that is interesting and you feel good while doing it. They don’t have the same intelligent quotient as you but you can definitely see how happy they are when you talk to them. They are unaware about the politics of life, unaware of hatred, wrath and boredom. That’s what makes them so special. They don’t have anything to conspire against anyone. They are like those little children so loving, innocent and gentle. A little tough to handle but they need to be handled with the uttermost care and patients. It is time you give time and love. It is time you increase your STANDARD OF GIVING.




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