The Kickass Study Guide, Tips & Tricks For Introduction to Computers Exam


Introduction to Computers


Introduction to Computers is one of those subjects of BMS that can be divided into a 50-50 ratio, if you know computers you are among the 50% who is going to laugh at the syllabus and if you are among the 50% who do not you will feel like you are attending a workshop by NASA and everything here is just so COOL! Well since you are reading this post on the No.1 web portal for BMS or maybe its mobile version so  I take it you are among the former 50% of students for whom this is something you have learnt at school, Jr. college and more over practice this at home all the time.

For you this is like a baby subject and you are super confident that you will score really good marks without any efforts that last part is where you could go drastically wrong and so it is very essential that you do not take this post lightly.

Computers have been a revolutionary and path breaking invention by mankind and has changed the entire face of how we live our lives, it started with something as huge as a cupboard which had a screen and a keyboard and a huge CPU and has today come down to super slim laptops, tablets and smaller smart phones that all function in a way that your purpose for a computer is served.

Introduction to Computers

Like all technical advancements this one too has been designed in a way that it reduces human efforts, for a 90’s kid like most of us the computer signifies a device that connects us to the internet, but the computer is much more than that. It has different programmes and applications that help in doing tasks such as making calculations, correcting our grammatical and spelling errors, convenience to store large amounts of data and access it at will. The programmes help in making the life of professionals easy be it a lawyer, doctor, a c.a or a student, there is something in the computer for everyone.

The facility to help you play games, watch movies, store photographs and view them at will, store audio files and listen to them anytime is among the multimedia aspects that a computer has to offer. Of course apart from a wide platitude of features that are inbuilt we have the internet which can be accessed using the computer and this internet is what places the world at your finger tips.

You need any information, details, data, matter, help on any issue just ask the internet and it will get it for you. You want to learn dancing, cooking, singing, writing whatever you wish to just ask and there will be some teacher from any part of the globe the internet will help you in reaching.

Introduction to Computers

You feel lonely and need friends, social media and online chat rooms are at your service, you want to shop for a book, a pen or even an a.c you can shop online, you want to watch movies, read books or know the menu of a restaurant you wish to order food from you have the internet at your service.

Internet has taken over our lives completely and the computer as a device to access this internet has become a device we cannot live without!

Why should I Study this Subject?

Introduction to Computers

Learning about something as vital as the computer is definitely an investment to our knowledge bank, the computer is what we need for almost everything in life as elaborated in the introduction section above, even if we own a computer there are many aspects about its technicality which may seem trival and be unknown to us but they do make a difference when we learn about them. The knowledge of these aspects change the way we think and use our computer, it helps us utilize our resource more effectively and in a better manner easing up a lot of our work.

Is it a Boring subject?

Introduction to Computers

No, you may know a lot of things in advance and so it will be like revising what you have learnt in the past but definitely not boring.

Is it Difficult to study Introduction to Computers?

Nope, not at all even for someone who isn’t aware of computers at all this subject and the syllabus is very easy to learn and score good marks in.

Do I need to join a Tuition class for the subject?

No, you do not need to do join anywhere, you can simply read the very easy to understand language of your textbooks and clear any doubts with your teacher and score good marks in this paper.

What is the Syllabus of this Subject?

Introduction to Computers

The syllabus is divided into 4 units which are sub-divided as follows:

Unit 1: Computer Fundamentals


Computer Organization

Input and Output Devices

Software Concepts

Unit 2: Data Communication and Networks

Networking Basics


Unit 3: Office packages
(A)Word Processor
(B)Presentations with power point :(C)Using Excel 

Unit 4: Advanced Excel & Multimedia

Functions in Excel

(B) Data Analysis using Excel

(C) Multimedia

You can check out the detailed syllabus Here!

How do I study the Subject?

Introduction to Computers

“Studying Computers is a lot of fun as it involves practical lectures as well as theory lectures, the theory are sleepy at times but the fun in practical class is really kickass”, says Bharati Shettiar a BMS alumni who loved to attend computer practical lectures.

“You can study the major part of the syllabus through practical methods and just need to glance over at the theory once to complete your learning is the plus point of this subject” she adds.

So keeping these points in mind lets craft a technique to study computers in a way that you don’t find it boring and utilize all the practical lectures to your benefit so that you don’t need to learn whatever was taught there once again.

The Golden Rule with this subject is to attend all lectures, majority of students fail to do this and end up suffering at the time of the exam. Attend all lectures without fail for introduction to computers, when you will open the textbook it will all seem very easy but later on when you start studying all the concepts will seem twisted if you didn’t have a proper explanation to it. The main problem comes up with very easy concepts and definitions which we use and are well aware of in day to day life but when it comes to describing them on paper we suddenly don’t know what words to use and end up losing all the marks, don’t let that happen to you.

Introduction to Computers

Take your units as they are taught in class and come home and spend half an hour after every lecture reading what had been taught in class. You can take up the entire syllabus unit wise a month before the exam and since you have already read through the chapters all you have to do is revise them on alternate days for one hour and you will score good marks very easily.

If you have not done the pre-reading and are short on time then you can learn this subject using a very unique approach, you simply have to check the chapters you are very well aware of like the internet or the Microsoft word, etc and in one day’s time brush up your knowledge of the same. Now with that you will be able to complete a minimum of 25% of the syllabus and you can take the remaining chapters one by one and learn the important answers that have been given to you by your professor.

Introduction to Computers

While writing the papers do ensure that you include parts of what you had practiced in the lab as while writing step by step answers you may forget the steps you had mugged up from the book but you will not forget something you had done practically.

If you or any of friends finds this subject really difficult to cope up with, then you can guide them to follow the following steps to help them learn computers effectively.

  1. Use a computer as much as you can, there is no substitute to practical knowledge and so even if they do not have a computer, encourage them to use a friends or relatives computer for half an hour a day.
  2. Whatever you study make sure you practice that at least once and remember the names of whatever you do, so if they learn the short cuts like ctrl+a for select all, ctrl+c for copy, ask them to write it down once as they practice it so that it gets fixed in their head for a long time.
  3. Read the answers carefully and wherever there are steps mentioned make sure you write these steps once so that you remember the order in which they are given.
  4. Try to associate with a lot of example while studying answers, answers on the parts of a computer, the icons on the tool bar, etc should not confuse you.
  5. Even if you find things really difficult nothing stops you from writing a neat and well framed paper doing so will ensure your examiner will grace you marks on account of neatness and you might be saved from a KT.

 BMS Bucket Challenge – make Introduction to Computers a fun subject to learn:

Introduction to Computers

One of the very popular internet craze fuelled by social media was the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, mini versions of which came out as rice bucket challenge, food bucket challenge, book bucket challenge, movie bucket challenge, etc, etc. Similarly what BMSites can do for their studies is the BMS bucket challenge, you can take up this challenge for subjects like Introduction to computers, when you feel your interest levels going down for this subject.

How can you take it up? Chellenge each other to quizzes chapter on chaper while you are doing your revisions. So I study and make notes for 3 chapters and then challenge 2 of my other friends to give a test in those chapters. As they complete those chapters they can study 3 more each and then challenge a few more of their friends to take the test challenge for those chapters. You can post this challenge on Facebook, tag friends and make things intresting.

You can also challenge each other for practical tests also, and post the pictures on insta or update on twitter and make things more interesting. If you have a fun loving teacher you can include her in the process and then it will save you the burden of creating test papers. It’s really not essential that you treat subjects as a burden, make them fun and the best way to do it these ways is for including social media in it.

For all of us these days a Facebook update, a whatsapp status and instagram updates are a way of life, now it has grown from the fact to being something we do to show others to a habit we have developed irrespective of the popularity we have on Facebook.  So why not include them in the course of our studies and make it interesting, in a way that we look forward to doing it!

The BMS bucket challenge, is one real fun way of dealing with your subjects and study matter, especially what subjects make you drowsy and boring all the time!

A Career for the Computer Lover

Introduction to Computers

Of course, India is known for its I.T boom and the a career for the computer lover is a very promising choice. Post BMS it rarely becomes the logical choice for making up your career but if you are truly fond of it then you can take up a course like BCA or other certificate based computer courses where you can learn all about the I.T world in detail and then take up a managerial position that includes your BMS knowledge plus your love for computers at the same time.

You can be thorough with the subject and teach it at a coaching class, or learn in detail about your area of interest and take up a related job, but you will need some certification from a recognized university for the same!


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.