The Koliwadas of Mumbai



The title of the article speaks more than my words will. When I hear this word “koli” the very first thing that comes to my mind is this song

“Me hai koli re sorilya dori ra mumbaichya kinari martin koli ni hanlyan goli ga chal javu baazari”

The wordings of this song say it all. The very first inhabitants of our city the Kolis are a specialty in themselves. This fisherwoman whom you see in the local compartments shouting at the top of their voice. These are the people who are the true origins of our city. The name of the city “Mumbai” has originated from their goddess “Mumbadevi” whose temple is situated at Dongri in South Mumbai and is still being worshipped in the same way.

Their main occupation is fishing and this people have a very simple way of living their life. They are the only one who are least affected by the changing colors of the city. Many prominent areas of our city have derived names through the origins of kolis. Some of these places are, “Parel” which is said to derive from “Padel,” the local name of a trumpet. “Colaba,” Mumbai’s primary tourist and historical center, derives from “Kola-bhat,” which means “Koli estates.”

  Mazgoan area is dominated by kolis and you can see their actual way of living and doing their business. One visit to this area and you will see a different side of this city. I am pretty sure that you would have never imagined this in your dreams.

– Freny Sachde

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