The Latest Ghini In Town – Veneno



Lamborghini’s exclusive roadster soon to be launched worldwide is made for the chosen few.

The Lamborghini Veneno hit the scene to a relatively lukewarm reception at best, but the lack of media and enthusiast frenzy sure didn’t stop it from planning a roadster version. The new Veneno  Roadster was unveiled this past weekend, and there are few differences between it and the coupe model.


The typical roadster has a top that the driver can raise and lower at his demand, but the Veneno is no typical car. Instead, Lamborghini opted to hack the top off altogether.

In terms of overall design, the Veneno Roadster looks nearly identical to its coupe brother, so it retains that crazy exterior look, with exception to it lack of a roof.

Unlike the coupe version, which was limited to just three units, Lamborghini will limit the new Veneno Roadster to nine units. Each will carry a price tag of $4.5 million.

Up front, the Veneno Roadster features a large aerodynamic wing with huge channels and Y-shaped angular headlamps, and Lamborghini placed large fenders — inspired by the racing world — plus four sizable exhaust pipes divided by a splitter on the backside. Keeping the monstrous engine behind the seats cool are large vents, while an adjustable rear wing adds much needed downforce. All the exterior parts are made from carbon fiber.

The Roadster version comes with an exclusive exterior color — “Rosso Veneno” — but customers can opt for a number of colors. This exclusive color is combined with alloy wheels.

What is really interesting about the new Veneno Roadster is that it has no roof, just a strong rollover bar for optimum safety. Let’s hope that those lucky nine owners don’t get caught in the rain.


–         Navmeen Khot


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