The Law Of Attraction!


The Law Of Attraction !!

The Law of Attraction is all about what you think about in your life, you get attracted towards it. It is all about what you think, and all you think always happens. I can say that we in present are caused by our past thoughts, this incredible fact arms us with the power to manifest what we badly want, by attracting them in present. The Law of Attraction a beautiful phenomenon. Isn’t it?

When all the bad things are happening with you, the same is because you attracted (thinked negatively) towards that taughts. The things that happens in our life are the things that we think will happen to me. When you wish for something like a hell and you always get the same if at all you are damn attracted towards it. It is like “Think about it, Have It” ! ! !

The Law Of Attraction is in the existence since the the universe was formed, since the gravitational force came into existence, the law if implemented and if at all the same is saved in your brains, then it would definitely work for you so is the reason it is also called as a *Life Transforming Law*

We all are using law of attraction in some way or the other, where we are aware of it or not. If we want exploit all the hidden possibilities and magical powers of laws of attraction, then we need to be observant and attract with faith, only what we want. I like to call it, being a Power Attractor. Focus the Ends, forget the Means, the more focused we are towards the Ends (what we want) the faster Means (how to get what we want) will follow.

we love to recall many incidents out of our life, when we wanted things badly at the same time we had literally no idea how would we get it, just that we attracted what we wanted, and eventually one fine day, it was right in front of us. You’ll and even me have got so very deep faith in GOD that faith, that trust is automatically converted into a attraction towards achieving that stuff. “When you ask for happiness, do you think God sends someone named happiness”. All it means is, look around, wants do manifest, just that we need to keep faith up and be observant. The Secret Law of attraction is so beautiful and incredible law.

Law of attraction can be applied in every walk of like (be it attracting a dream life, getting your ex back, to attract wealth, money or abundance, to attract a dream job, to find a perfect soul mate, to make a better relationship, in nutshell to get what you badly want) anyways we are already using law of attraction in almost all walks of life, interesting fact is, many of us are still not aware of it. This is the opportunity for all of us to leverage upon this most wonderful and beautiful law to transform our and others life.

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Abhishek Shah

-Digital Evangelist


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