The List Of Indian Miss World / Universe Turned Actresses


Anne Roiphe once said,”A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.” These beauties truly believe in this saying and have completely changed the definition of beauty throughout the world. These are the Miss World/Universe contestants who although Indian, grabbed this coveted title. And like every girl, I’m a diehard fan of these ladies and proud to be a citizen of a country where beauty resides. So let’s have a look at the list of these beauties that have turned into actresses…

Priyanka Chopra


1) Priyanka Chopra-

Priyanka was the last Indian who won the Miss World title. It’s been over ten years that India has returned empty handed from the international contests. At present, she is ruling the roost in Bollywood as she is amongst the top actresses and has also ventured into make international singing assignments.

Aishwarya Rai

2) Aishwarya Rai-

Aishwarya was the second woman to win the Miss World crown in the year 1994. She was given the second position after Sushmita Sen.  Today, Ash is one of the most recognized Indian faces on the global platform and has lived up to her title of being a ‘Miss World’.

Lara Dutta

3) Lara Dutta-

Lara Dutta is the only other woman after Sushmita Sen to win the Miss Universe title. Lara won the title in the year 2000. She has proved her title and today is known as Mrs. Bhupathi.

Sushmita Sen


4) Sushmita Sen-

Sushmita Sen was the woman who ended India’s drought at the Miss Universe contest in the year 1994. She was the very first Indian Miss Universe. She worked in several Bollywood movies and now is a proud mother of two adopted daughters.

Juhi Chawla


5) Juhi Chawla-

Juhi Chawla won the Miss India crown in 1984 and she is considered to be one of the finest in the Bollywood industry. She used to be a A- lister actress of her time and even today known as the most humble faces of Bollywood.

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Shabnam Mukadam
Student at Pillais institute of arts, commerce and science. An humble F.Y.B.Com student. Hobbies are reading and writing.


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