The MBA Degree : Is It Really Worth The Cost?



There used to be days when MBA was a premium course which few people used to do it. It was regarded as a good course for people who want to do business in the future. It was a course which had a great value but nowadays things have changed, MBA degree seems nothing as many students are doing it, it has become common. Some people with the MBA degree are jobless, now only MBA from a reputed institute has left some value but then again not everyone is willing to spend huge amount of time and money.

MBA surely is a good course which will improve a person overall in things like marketing, finance, man management, economics, law etc. Doing fulltime MBA has a good environment where one has to give presentation talk to people to complete projects so it does make a huge difference. But nowadays people are more inclined towards taking the job and experience rather than spending two years doing MBA, part-time MBA has become popular than this as one can work and study together but ofcourse its not the same as the full-time MBA.

Most of the times employer don’t care about what your achievements in education are, they care how good you do the work.. so it happens that a graduate has a higher post in a company and many MBAs are working under him. MBA can be a good degree with work experience but people who start working after graduation, in the future they don’t seem interested leaving their job and doing MBA for two years, but it does make a difference if you are a MBA.

So if you want to do MBA just make sure that you need it for the position you want in the future, do you have that knowledge and skills that will increase by doing the MBA and do you have enough time and money to do MBA from a recognized institute.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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