The melodrama politics of AAP


aap melodrma

Aam Admi Party – Common man’s party. The great ‘swaraj’ party that is how they differentiate themselves from others .But hardly makes a difference for the voters. What voters want? Only one thing and that is a better India.
When AAP came into existence that is 2 years back .The youth of the country could relate to them and they got amazing support from the potential first time voters. But what went wrong? Suddenly, they quit at Delhi after forming Government. The founder member is behind the bars. Many other members are quitting the party. So much of melodrama.
Why all this? What makes the party different from others then? The time they withdraw from Delhi, was that a right decision? Only because the other parties did not support their bill they took this step. Was it justified? Now they want re election and again want to come in power. But will you vote them now? If I would have been at your place I would not. But my personal view would be different from yours.
But what makes the other members quit the party?
Shazi IImi –one of the best known faces of the party quit the party alleging that a ‘’crony clique ‘’is running AAP. Her resignation from the party exposed the inner truth of the party. The big talks of swaraj and the hype of anti corruption movement. Another member G.K Gopinath also quitted the party and criticized Arvind Kejriwal of shoots and scoot politics. Former diplomat Madhu Bhaduri quit the party. The party had sacked few other members in the past.
The reasons are many but ultimately all of them result into one thing and that is the image of the party in the public. Hope the party gets back to its normal functioning soon after the melodrama.



Freny Sachde

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