The Miraculous Power of Music Revealed



Music has been an integral part of peace of mind. It redefines soul. There have been different types of music in India but no one can beat the classical raga. It has defined Indian Classical Music and shown the world the rich culture of music in India. Many movie songs have been made from ragas. Ragas had the power which did magical things. The power of music can be known by the stories of some ‘ragas’ which sung properly can do some miraculous things which can be hard for a human mind to take..

The popular one is the Rag Megh Malhar which Tansen had sung to bring rain. Just imagine singing a song to bring rain. Well that is the power of Malhar. Tansen also used to sing Raga Deepak to light the lamp. Malkaunsh raga is one of the oldest and most melodious raga in the Indian culture. Malkauns raga is defined as a male person having 7 wifes and a bottle of wine in the hand. It is a slow raga which is sung at night.  When some disciples of a saint sang Na Jeevathara in Raga Bilahari, it resurrected a person from death. That is just incredible.. but that is the power these ragas possess and that shows what music is capable of.

Research say that people who listen to music can have peaceful mind. It is a great way to relieve stress. It is music which keeps a person active and stress-free to survive the daily life and enjoy it. Music is said to be a path to God and it has a deep meaning than one can know.



– Jainam Jhaveri

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