The Most Active E-Cell Contest

0, the most happening online platform for budding entrepreneurs and start-ups, is inviting active E-Cells of Indian colleges to be a part of it and to win an exciting prize.

We are planning to make an all India directory of all the active e-cells in India. This contest targets all the active e-cells based in India. It’s a chance for your e-cell to get featured on

What you have to do?

You have to just share the information that how does your e-cell work? It will also include the success stories of entrepreneurs from your college.

The stories will be in the interview format, which will be provided once you get registered.

Registration Link :

How would the evaluation be done?

The evaluation of an interview would be done in following parts

  1. The interview and the working of the e-cell would be evaluated by TechAloo internal Authors and the editorial team.
  2. Number of likes the interview gains on the site.
  3. Number of unique page views on the interviews.


Important Dates to note :

Contest Start Date : 10th August 2013(Registrations and Interviews will be accepted only until 25th August 2013)

Contest End Date : 25th September 2013 (Number of Likes for an interview would be taken into count only upto 25th September).

Winner Declaration : 1st October 2013.

Prize Money : 5,000/- Rs (Besides the Prize money all the interviews would be made available for all the readers of )

Certification:  Top 5 e-cells will receive the “The Most Active E-Cell of India” certification from


For any queries please shoot a mail to [email protected]


Link to the contest:


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BMS Team

We, at, believe in sharing knowledge and giving quality information to our BMS students. We are here to provide and update you with every details required by you BMSites! If you want to join us, please mail to [email protected].


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