The Most Flattering Swimsuits for Your Body Type


With the scorching heat,roasting us into its flames,we are all eager to hit the beach. If you want to look the so – jaw-dropping so it’s imperative to choose a swimwear according to your body type.


On-trend swimwear for your figure type:-

The reality is that when it comes to swimwear, not every cut is going to flatter every figure. It will certainly always come down to what you’re most comfortable with, but if you’re after a starting point here are some shape-based suggestions:

Fuller figure

Embrace the vintage trend and use it to accentuate rather than try and hide your curves. Try halternecks or cupped styles, and anything that brings in the waist to play to an hourglass shape.

Pear shape / small bust

Use ruffles to your advantage by adding volume at the top half. Ruffles around the bust can make it seem visually larger. You can also use vintage cupped styles with padding to create curves.

Top heavy

Use ruffles to your advantage by conversely adding them to the bottom to balance your hips with your bust. Avoid unstructured crochets or string bikinis if they don’t offer any support; instead stick to structured styles and halternecks.

Short legs

To lengthen the body pair a printed bikini top with a block-coloured bottom, drawing the attention upwards. Avoid boy-legs and go for high cut thighs instead so as to not shorten it.


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Riya Lokhande


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