The Most Promising Graduation Speech Of The Year


So, it’s cap and gown time. After spending 15 years of your life in learning (oops ratofying) from books and notes, this is the time which shows that you can finish what you have started since childhood. The road is boring, long and unbelievable but yes it is achievable and inspirational. Graduation ceremonies teaches you a very important lesson of your life : Although you have ended something which you were stuck up with since long, but it’s just the beginning. It’s the beginning of a new practical world which wouldn’t care to look at your grades or marks but your knowledge and behavior. You get a lifetime opportunity to listen some wonderful people whom you met in your college and the life lessons shared in the graduation ceremony are just “amazing”. Wanna understand the meaning of life and get inspired to get things done? You are at the right place. :p
This kid from East Jessamine High School gives a hilarious graduation speech complete with Southland knocks and off-color jokes.

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